Procurement (Quotation)


bullet Repair and maintenance of photostat machine

Quotation required - uploaded on 07-03-2025


bullet Repair and maintenance of photostat machine

Quotation required - uploaded on 03-02-2025

bullet HVAC Equipment (Repair and Maintenance) for Court Annexed Mediation Center

Quotation required - uploaded on 29-01-2025

bullet HVAC Equipment (Repair and Maintenance) for: Resident-III

Quotation required - uploaded on 29-01-2025

bullet Supply of Toners for Photocopiers

Quotation required - uploaded on 27-01-2025

bullet Supply of Bookbinding Essentials

Quotation required - uploaded on 27-01-2025

bullet Binding of 918 Law Journals (2024)

Quotation required - uploaded on 27-01-2025

bullet Repair & Maintenance (Consumable Parts of Photostat Machine Buzhub-206)

Quotation required - uploaded on 27-01-2025

bullet Supply of Executive Revolving Chair

Quotation required - uploaded on 25-01-2025

bullet Supply of wooden Book Shelf

Quotation required - uploaded on 24-01-2025

bullet Supply of wooden partition

Quotation required - uploaded on 23-01-2025

bullet Purchase of Thumb Impression (Hamsterpro-20A) (05 Qty)

Quotation required - uploaded on 06-01-2025


bullet Polish of Tables (Teak Wood) (05 Qty)

Quotation required - uploaded on 30-12-2024

bullet Repairing of Foam (Wooden Foam Benches) 7 Feet without back (08 Qty)

Quotation required - uploaded on 23-12-2024

bullet Repairing of Sofas (Twenty one , 01 seater sofa)

Quotation required - uploaded on 19-12-2024

bullet Repairing of Sofas (Two, 05 seater sofas)

Quotation required - uploaded on 19-12-2024

bullet Purchase of Executive Revolving Chair

Quotation required - uploaded on 13-12-2024

bullet Purchase of Photostat Machine

Quotation required - uploaded on 13-12-2024

bullet Purchase of Janitorial Items

Quotation required - uploaded on 13-12-2024

bullet Purchase of Multimedia Projector

Quotation required - uploaded on 03-12-2024


bullet HVAC Equipment (Repair & Maintenance)

Quotation required - uploaded on 30-11-2024

bullet Purchase of single-user Licensed MS-Office LTSC Standard 2024.

Quotation required - uploaded on 30-11-2024

bullet Purchase of Tender Box

Quotation required - uploaded on 25-11-2024

bullet Purchase of All in One WebCam

Quotation required

bullet Purchase of LED TV

Quotation required

bullet Purchase of Computer Network Cable

Quotation required

bullet Consumable parts for Engine base Lawn Mower Machine

Quotation required

bullet Repair & Maintenance (Cooling Coil)

Quotation required

bullet Repair & Maintenance (Misc. Items)

Quotation required


bullet Repair & Maintenance (Cooling Coil)

Quotation required

bullet Repair & Maintenance (Misc. Items)

Quotation required

bullet Purchase of Telehone Wire SHC/RFQ/2024-25/026

Quotation required - uploaded on 25/10/2024

bullet Purchase of Pedestal Fan SHC/RFQ/2024-25/027

Quotation required - uploaded on 25/10/2024

bullet Purchase of Janitorial Items SHC/RFQ/2024-25/028

Quotation required - uploaded on 25/10/2024

bullet Binding of 918 Law Journals (2023)

Quotation required - uploaded on 18/10/2024

bullet Purchase of Executive Revolving Chair

Quotation required - uploaded on 18/10/2024

bullet Purchase of Stationery & Others Misc. Items

Quotation required - uploaded on 18/10/2024

bullet Repairing of Foam (Wooden Foam Benches) 08 feet without back

Quotation required - uploaded on 14/10/2024

bullet Repair & Maintenance (03 Seater Sofa Sets)

Quotation required - uploaded on 12/10/2024

bullet Purchase of Mini Fridge

Quotation required - uploaded on 08/10/2024

bullet Printing of Table calendar

Quotation required - uploaded on 03/10/2024


bullet PURCHASE OF FANS (SHC/RFQ/2024-25/016)

Quotation required - uploaded on 27/09/2024


Quotation required - uploaded on 27/09/2024


Quotation required - uploaded on 27/09/2024


Quotation required - uploaded on 24/09/2024


Quotation required - uploaded on 24/09/2024

bullet Repair & Maintenance of Furniture Items

Quotation required - uploaded on 04/09/2024

bullet Purchase of Fans and Other Misc. Items

Quotation required - uploaded on 03/09/2024


bullet Repair & Maintenance of Misc. Items

Quotation required - uploaded on 30/08/2024

bullet Illumination of High Court Main Front Building (Eid Milad un Nabi)

Quotation required - uploaded on 27/08/2024

bullet Purchase of Janitorial Items

Quotation required - uploaded on 21/08/2024

bullet Purchase of Misc. Items

Quotation required - uploaded on 21/08/2024

bullet Polishing of Scale Lamp / Tarazo

Quotation required - uploaded on 16/08/2024

bullet Purchase of Pedestal Fans and Swing Dustbin

Quotation required - uploaded on 08/08/2024

bullet Purchase of Pedestal / Stand / Bracket Fans

Quotation required - uploaded on 06/08/2024

bullet Purchase of Toners for Photostat Machines

Quotation required - uploaded on 06/08/2024

bullet Purchase of Furniture and Misc. Items

Quotation required - uploaded on 06/08/2024

bullet Repair and Maintenance of 70KVA Generator

Quotation required - uploaded on 06/08/2024


bullet 5 Seater Sofa Set (Replacement of Regxine and repairing)

Quotation required - uploaded on 06/07/2024


bullet Quotation Required for Licensed Softwares

Quotation required - uploaded on 05/06/2024


bullet CISCO ISR Router 4351

Quotation required - uploaded on 29/05/2024

bullet Fresh Stock - Yokohama Japan Typres

Quotation required - uploaded on 18/05/2024

bullet Invitation Cards and Card Envelops

Quotation required - uploaded on 16/05/2024

bullet RFQ Tool Box

Quotation required - uploaded on 14/05/2024

bullet Yokohama Japan Tyre

Quotation required - uploaded on 07/05/2024

bullet Consumable parts for Photostat Machine

Quotation required - uploaded on 07/05/2024

bullet Purchase of LED TV

Quotation required - uploaded on 06/05/2024


bullet Telephone Wire

Quotation required - uploaded on 04/05/2024

bullet Toner for Photostat Machine

Quotation required - uploaded on 04/05/2024

bullet Toner for Photostat Machine - TN-118

Quotation required - uploaded on 04/05/2024

bullet Goose Neck Microphone

Quotation required - uploaded on 02/05/2024

bullet Consumable Parts for Photostat Machine Buzhub-206

Quotation required - uploaded on 30/04/2024

bullet Misc. I.T. Items

Quotation required - uploaded on 26/04/2024

bullet Misc. & other Items

Quotation required - uploaded on 26/04/2024

bullet Repair & Maintenance (Parts for Photostat Machine Ricoh-M)

Quotation required - uploaded on 24/04/2024

bullet Repair & Maintenance (Wheels of Iron Trollies)

Quotation required - uploaded on 18/04/2024

bullet Polishing of Scale Lamp / Tarazo

Quotation required - uploaded on 02/04/2024


bullet Repair and Maintenance of Furniture Items

Quotation required - uploaded on 28/03/2024

bullet Binding of Law Journals

Quotation required - uploaded on 27/03/2024

bullet Replacement of Rexine of Cushion of Sofa sets

Quotation required - uploaded on 18/03/2024

bullet Purchase of Toner- MP 2014 (Ricoh)

Quotation required uploaded on 12/03/2024

bullet Repair & Maintenance (Polish of Scale Lamp/Tarazo)

Quotation required uploaded on 07/03/2024

bullet Service of 70 KVA Generator.

Quotation required uploaded on 06/03/2024


bullet Supply of Consumable parts for Photostat Machine RICOH M-2700 installed at Writ Branch.

Quotation required uploaded on 28/02/2024

bullet Refilling of Gas for six extinguishers/cylinders.

Quotation required uploaded on 21/02/2024

bullet Floor Polishing Machine.

Quotation required uploaded on 15/02/2024

bullet Consumable Parts for Konica Minolta Bizhub 450i.

Quotation required uploaded on 13/02/2024

bullet Purchase of Misc. Items

Quotation required uploaded on 10/02/2024


bullet Consumable Parts for Ricoh M-2700 intalled at Library

Quotation required uploaded on 31/01/2024

bullet Purchase of Gen. Misc Items (Toner)

Quotation required uploaded on 31/01/2024

bullet Repair & Maintenance (Repair/replace foam/regxine of 05 Seater Sofa Set)

Quotation required uploaded on 27/01/2024

bullet Repair & Maintenance (Photostat Machine Richo MP-2014)

Quotation required uploaded on 19/01/2024

bullet Purchase of Batteries (Car Batteries)

Quotation required uploaded on 10/01/2024

bullet Purchase of Towels

Quotation required

bullet Supply of Motherboard of Photostat Machine Ricoh M-2700

Quotation required - uploaded on 08/01/2024


bullet Polish of Old Archival Table, Antique Chairs and Scale Lamps

Quotation required - uploaded on 18/12/2023

bullet Lawn Mower Machine

Quotation required - uploaded on 13/12/2023

bullet Purchase of Paper Shredder for Mirpurkhas

Quotation required - uploaded on 09/12/2023

bullet Purchase of General Misc. Items (Coffee Vending Machine)

Quotation required - uploaded on 07/12/2023

bullet Repair & Maintenance(Photostate Machine Ricoh-M-2700)

Quotation required - uploaded on 05/12/2023

bullet Repair & Maintenance(Photostate Machine Bizhub 206)

Quotation required - uploaded on 05/12/2023


bullet Purchase of General and Misc Items

Quotation required - uploaded on 30/11/2023

bullet Purchase of Molty Ortho Back Care Cushion

Quotation required - uploaded on 30/11/2023

bullet Purchase of Furniture Articles for Mirpurkhas

Quotation required

bullet Repair & Maintenance

Repair & Maintenance (MIT-1 Office/Room)- Quotation required - uploaded on 27/11/2023
Repair & Maintenance (Chamber of Hon'ble Judge)- Quotation required - uploaded on 27/11/2023
Repair & Maintenance (Court of Hon'ble Judge)- Quotation required - uploaded on 27/11/2023

bullet Purchase of General & Misc. Items

Quotation required - uploaded on 23/11/2023


Repairing or Replacement of Mother board of Photostat Machine Ricoh M-2700


Purchase of General & Misc. Item

bullet Purchase of General & Misc. Item

Quotation required uploaded on 17/11/2023

bullet Purchase of Crockery Items

Quotation required uploaded on 14/11/2023

bullet Purchase of Stationery Items-1

Quotation required uploaded on 13/11/2023

bullet Purchase of Stationery Items-2

Quotation required uploaded on 13/11/2023

bullet Purchase of Stationery Items-3

Quotation required uploaded on 13/11/2023

bullet Purchase of Machinery Items

Quotation required uploaded on 13/11/2023

bullet Purchase of General Misc. Items
(Wall Clock, CLI Telephone Set & Telephone Set Steno)

Quotation required


bullet Repair and Maintenance (Toners)

Quotation required-uploaded on 30/10/2023

bullet Janitorial Items

Quotation required-uploaded on 24/10/2023

bullet Request for quotation - List Attached

Quotation required-uploaded on 17/10/2023

bullet Request for quotation - Printing of Table Calendar

Quotation required-uploaded on 12/10/2023

bullet Request for quotation - General Misc. Items(Marble Table Set)

Quotation required-uploaded on 11/10/2023

bullet Request for quotation - Machinery Items(Single Door Refrigerator)

Quotation required-uploaded on 11/10/2023

bullet Request for quotation - Replacement of Seat Covers - Court Benches

Quotation required-uploaded on 10/10/2023

bullet Request for quotation - Garden Items

Quotation required-uploaded on 10/10/2023

bullet Request for quotation - Iron Trolley

Quotation required-uploaded on 10/10/2023

bullet Request for quotation - Parts of Photostat Machine

Quotation required-uploaded on 05/10/2023

bullet Request for quotation - Dry Battery (Brand: LEOCH)

Quotation required-uploaded on 04/10/2023


bullet Repair & Maintenance- Replacement of the Wheels of Trollers

Quotation required-uploaded on 26/09/2023

bullet Repair & Maintenance- Replacement of the Regzine/Leather of Judge's Chair

Quotation required-uploaded on 26/09/2023

bullet Purchase of I.T. Items

Quotation required-uploaded on 21/09/2023

bullet General Misc. Items

Quotation required-uploaded on 21/09/2023

bullet Purchase of Misc. Items for Library

Quotation required-uploaded on 20/09/2023

bullet Repair & Maintenance (Supply of Parts of Photostate Machine Ricoh MP-2014)

Quotation required-uploaded on 19/09/2023

bullet Supply of Parts of Lawn Mover Machine for Lawn and Garden of this Court

Quotation required-uploaded on 08/09/2023


bullet Repair & Maintenance(lawn mover machine)

Quotation required-uploaded on 31/08/2023

bullet Purchase of Misc. Items

Quotation required-uploaded on 31/08/2023

bullet Photostat Machine Parts

Quotation required-uploaded on 30/08/2023

bullet Photostat Machine Parts

Quotation required-uploaded on 24/08/2023

bullet Purchase of Misc. Items (Schneider 3 Pole Circuit Breaker (32 Amp))

Quotation required-uploaded on 21/08/2023

bullet Repair and Maintenance (Drawer Lock , Drawer Handle etc)

Quotation required-uploaded on 17/08/2023

bullet Telephone Set

Quotation required-uploaded on 10/08/2023

bullet Flags for Hon'ble Judges

Quotation required-uploaded on 10/08/2023

bullet Toner (HP Color Laser 245nw Scanner)

Quotation required-uploaded on 09/08/2023

bullet Replacement of Regzine of Court Benches

Quotation required-uploaded on 04/08/2023

bullet Polish of Scale Lamp (Tarazo)

Quotation required-uploaded on 04/08/2023

bullet Repairing of Revolving Chairs (Judge)

Quotation required-uploaded on 04/08/2023


bullet Repair & Maintenance (Polishing of Table and Chairs)

Quotation required-uploaded on 31/07/2023

bullet Replacement of Rexine/Leather and 5 Seater Sofa Set.

Quotation required-uploaded on 25/07/2023

bullet Repair & Maintenance for items

Quotation required-uploaded on 24/07/2023

bullet Lawn Mower generator Machine

Quotation required-uploaded on 22/07/2023

bullet Illumination on High Court Building

Quotation required-uploaded on 21/07/2023

bullet Repairing of 300 KVA Generator

Quotation required-uploaded on 18/07/2023


bullet Supply of Parts of Photostat Machine Bizhub 206

Quotation required-uploaded on 16/06/2023

bullet Repair and Maintenance (Iron Stand)

Quotation required-uploaded on 13/06/2023

bullet Repair and Maintenance (Benches,Chair Cover,Sofa Set)

Quotation required-uploaded on 13/06/2023

bullet Purchase of Machinery

Quotation required-uploaded on 08/06/2023


bullet Purchase of Furniture

Quotation required-uploaded on 23/05/2023

bullet Repair & Maintenance (Parts of Photostat Machine)

Quotation required-uploaded on 23/05/2023

bullet Repair & Maintenance (Diesel Generator)

Quotation required-uploaded on 18/05/2023

bullet Repair & Maintenance (Welding of Iron Trollies)

Quotation required-uploaded on 11/05/2023

bullet Purchase of Vehicle Accessories

Quotation required-uploaded on 11/05/2023

bullet Replacement of Leather/Regxine of Chairs, Court Benches and Sofa sets

Quotation required-uploaded on 06/05/2023

bullet Purchase of furniture (07 Items)

Quotation required-uploaded on 05/05/2023


bullet Repair and Maintenance (Lock of the Iron Cabinet)

Quotation required-uploaded on 29/04/2023

bullet Repair and Maintenance (Photostat Machine -Ricoh mp-1900)

Quotation required-uploaded on 26/04/2023

bullet Purchase of Phenyl

Quotation required-uploaded on 20/04/2023

bullet Purchase of Cooling Coil

Quotation required-uploaded on 20/04/2023

bullet Iron Chain

Quotation required-uploaded on 19/04/2023

bullet Fax machine

Quotation required-uploaded on 19/04/2023

bullet Purchase of Furniture (Table Glass,Green Cloth,Revolving Chair)

Quotation required-uploaded on 19/04/2023

bullet Purchase of Furniture (Office Table and Computer Table)

Quotation required-uploaded on 19/04/2023

bullet Supply of Parts of Photo State Machine Ricoh Mp-2014 (Writ Branch)

Quotation required-uploaded on 13/04/2023

bullet Purchase of AC

Quotation required-uploaded on 10/04/2023

bullet Purchase of Toners

Quotation required-uploaded on 08/04/2023

bullet Repair & Maintenance - Parts of Lawn Mover Machine of Judges Lodge (Parveen House)

Quotation required-uploaded on 07/04/2023

bullet Repair & Maintenance - Parts of Lawn Mover Machine

Quotation required-uploaded on 06/04/2023

bullet Repair & Maintenance - 16 wheels of 04 iron trollies

Quotation required-uploaded on 06/04/2023


bullet Repair & Maintenance - Polish of Judge table

Quotation required-uploaded on 27/03/2023

bullet Purchase of Battery (12Volts 180Ah27)

Quotation required-uploaded on 27/03/2023

bullet Purchase of Toner (TN-628)

Quotation required-uploaded on 21/03/2023

bullet Purchase of Toners

Quotation required-uploaded on 21/03/2023

bullet Quotation required for Name Plates with Stand

Quotation required-uploaded on 17/03/2023

bullet Repair & Maintenance - Table & Chairs

Quotation required-uploaded on 09/03/2023

bullet Purchase of Wall Clocks

Quotation required-uploaded on 08/03/2023

bullet Purchase of Seasonal Flowers

Quotation required-uploaded on 08/03/2023

bullet Purchase of Garden Items

Quotation required-uploaded on 06/03/2023


bullet Procurement of Steel Rack for Courts Room and Chamber

Quotation required-uploaded on 27/02/2023

bullet Repairing of 03 Court Benches

Quotation required-uploaded on 22/02/2023

bullet Supply of parts of photostate machine

Quotation required-uploaded on 18/02/2023

bullet 16 Wheels of 4 Iron Trolleys

Quotation required-uploaded on 18/02/2023

bullet Repair & Maintenance (Photo State Machine)

Quotation required-uploaded on 14/02/2023

bullet Repair & Maintenance (Furniture)

Quotation required-uploaded on 14/02/2023

bullet General Miscellaneous Items (Flower Pot Plates)

Quotation required-uploaded on 13/02/2023

bullet General Miscellaneous Items

Quotation required-uploaded on 13/02/2023

bullet Polishing of 2 Silver Mace (Tarazo)

Quotation required-uploaded on 02/02/2023

bullet Repairing of 3 Court Benches

Quotation required-uploaded on 02/02/2023


bullet General / Misc. Items (Duster Large, Sufi Super Soap, Wall Clock)

Quotation required-uploaded on 31/01/2023

bullet Repair and Maintenance 05 Seater Sofa Sets

Quotation required-uploaded on 27/01/2023

bullet Repair and Maintenance Cushion / CCover of Executive Judge Chair

Quotation required-uploaded on 27/01/2023

bullet Repair and Maintenance Exide N135

Quotation required-uploaded on 24/01/2023

bullet Purchase of Toners

Quotation required-uploaded on 23/1/2023

bullet Purchase of Batteries for APS Smart UPS.

Quotation required-uploaded on 20/1/2023

bullet Replacement of cushion / cover of Executive Judge Chair

Quotation required-uploaded on 17/1/2023

Quotation required-uploaded on 17/1/2023

bullet General / Miscellaneous Items (Supply of Telephone Sets)

Quotation required-uploaded on 14/1/2023

bullet Reapir and Maintenance (Parts of Photostat Machine)

Quotation required-uploaded on 14/1/2023

bullet 5 Seater Sofa Set

Quotation required-uploaded on 05/1/2023

bullet 5 Seater Sofa Set

Quotation required-uploaded on 05/1/2023


bullet 5 Seater Sofa Set

Quotation required-uploaded on 05/1/2023

bullet 5 Seater Sofa Set

Quotation required-uploaded on 31/12/2022

bullet General Items - Mirror

Quotation required-uploaded on 23/12/2022

bullet General Items - KN95 Face Mask (Fine Quality)

Quotation required-uploaded on 10/12/2022

bullet General Items - Electric Kettle

Quotation required-uploaded on 09/12/2022

bullet Supply of Parts of Photostat Machine Konika Minolta Bizhub-206

Quotation required-uploaded on 07/12/2022

bullet 12 wheels of 3 Iron trollies

Quotation required-uploaded on 06/12/2022

bullet Digital Paper Shredder with Advance functionally

Quotation required-uploaded on 05/12/2022


bullet Procurement of Poly Cloth for Holding Case Files as per sample

Quotation required-uploaded on 30/11/2022

bullet Toners

Quotation required-uploaded on 29/11/2022


Quotation required-uploaded on 22/11/2022


Quotation required-uploaded on 18/11/2022


Quotation required-uploaded on 12/11/2022

bullet Table Calendar

Quotation required-uploaded on 10/11/2022

bullet TONER TN-628 (BIZHUB)

Quotation required-uploaded on 07/11/2022

bullet Polish of Furniture

Quotation required-uploaded on 02/11/2022


bullet General Item -PORTABLE LADDER

Quotation required-uploaded on 28/10/2022

bullet Procurement of Misc. I.T. Atricles

Quotation required-uploaded on 15/10/2022

bullet Stationery Items

Quotation required-uploaded on 15/10/2022

bullet Lawn Scissors/Cutter

Quotation required-uploaded on 08/10/2022

bullet Telephone Set CLI (Panasonic KX92)

Quotation required-uploaded on 07/10/2022

bullet Repairing of (02) Generator Lawn Mower Machines

Quotation required-uploaded on 06/10/2022

bullet Misc. IT Articles on item wise basis

Quotation required-uploaded on 06/10/2022


bullet Photostate Machine Parts

Quotation required-uploaded on 27/09/2022

bullet Purchase of Sound instruments for Microphone

Quotation required-uploaded on 26/09/2022

bullet Service / Change of Push Locks and Color of Iron Cabinets

Quotation required-uploaded on 22/09/2022

bullet General Items (Gardening Items)

Quotation required-uploaded on 21/09/2022

bullet Printing of Criminal Institution Register

Quotation required-uploaded on 06/09/2022


bullet Polish of Scale Lamp (Tarazo)

Quotation required-uploaded on 31/08/2022

bullet Repairing of Silver Mace

Quotation required-uploaded on 31/08/2022

bullet Quotation required for General Items (Hygeine Cleaning Items)

Quotation required-uploaded on 27/08/2022

bullet Quotation required for General Items (Wall Clock)

Quotation required-uploaded on 27/08/2022

bullet Procurement of Misc. I.T. Articles on item wise basis

Quotation required-uploaded on 26/08/2022

bullet Procurement of Misc Stationery Articles

Quotation required-uploaded on 26/08/2022

bullet Procurement of Thread Ball

Quotation required-uploaded on 26/08/2022

bullet Purchase of Toners- TN-628 (BIZHUB)

Quotation required-uploaded on 18/08/2022

bullet Repairing of Scissors

Quotation required-uploaded on 12/08/2022

bullet Supply of Parts of Photocopy Machine Konica Minolta Bizhub-206 (Dr Judicial)-Panel Repairing

Quotation required-uploaded on 06/08/2022

bullet Repairing of 9 Court-Benches (15 feet Size)

Quotation required-uploaded on 06/08/2022

bullet Supply of Parts of Photocopy Machine Konica Minolta Bizhub-206 (Budget Branch)

Quotation required-uploaded on 04/08/2022

bullet Supply of Parts of Photocopy Machine Konica Minolta Bizhub-206 (DR Judicial)

Quotation required-uploaded on 04/08/2022

bullet Repairing of 5 seater sofa sets

Quotation required-uploaded on 03/08/2022

bullet Supply of Parts of Photocopy Machine Ricoh MP-2014

Quotation required-uploaded on 03/08/2022



Quotation required-uploaded on 22/06/2022


Quotation required-uploaded on 16/06/2022


Quotation required-uploaded on 16/06/2022


Quotation required-uploaded on 01/06/2022


Quotation required-uploaded on 01/06/2022


bullet Repairing of Lawn Mower Machines

Quotation required-uploaded on 27/05/2022

bullet Supply of Parts for Photostat Machine (Model Konica Minolta Bizhub-206 - Panel Board) for Civil Appellate Branch Sindh High Court, Karachi

Quotation required-uploaded on 25/05/2022

bullet Supply of Parts for Photostat Machine (Model Konica Minolta Bizhub-206) for Budget Branch Sindh High Court, Karachi

Quotation required-uploaded on 24/05/2022

bullet Supply of Parts for Photostat Machine (Model Konica Minolta Bizhub-206) for Civil Appellate Branch Sindh High Court, Karachi

Quotation required-uploaded on 24/05/2022

bullet Repair & Maintenance- 12 Volts 100Ah Battery 15 Plates

Quotation required-uploaded on 14/05/2022


bullet Repairing of Lawn Mower Machines

Quotation required-uploaded on 29/04/2022

bullet Procurement of Computer Mouse

Quotation required-uploaded on 25/04/2022

bullet Procurement of Keyboards

Quotation required-uploaded on 25/04/2022

bullet Repairing of Scissors of Lawn and Garden

Quotation required-uploaded on 23/04/2022

bullet Procurement of Office Cards

Quotation required-uploaded on 08/04/2022

bullet Procurement of Split 1.5 Ton A.C

Quotation required-uploaded on 08/04/2022


bullet Quotation required for General Items

Quotation required-uploaded on 31/03/2022

bullet Procurement of Mini Room Fridge

Quotation required-uploaded on 30/03/2022

bullet Purchase of Toners fron the Head "Repair of Machinery & Equipment"

Quotation required-uploaded on 26/03/2022

bullet Supply of Fabrics for High Court of Sindh, Karachi

Quotation required-uploaded on 26/03/2022

bullet Procurement of Glass Cutter /Lawn Mower Machine

Quotation required-uploaded on 26/03/2022

bullet General Items (Water Pipe)

Quotation required-uploaded on 24/03/2022

bullet Supply of Parts for Photo-State Machine (Model Ricoh MP-2014-D)

Quotation required-uploaded on 22/03/2022

bullet General Items - Repairing/Polishing of Information Board placed at Main Building

Quotation required-uploaded on 17/03/2022

bullet General Items - Face Mask

Quotation required-uploaded on 16/03/2022

bullet Supply of Parts for Photo-state Machine (Model Ricoh MP-2014)

Quotation required-uploaded on 16/03/2022

bullet Providing/fixing of the battery charger 22Ov-12voh battery heavy duty. 70 KVA capacity (Siemens)

Quotation required-uploaded on 15/03/2022

bullet ATS (Automatic Transmit System) panel of 70 KVA

Quotation required-uploaded on 15/03/2022

bullet Supply of Parts for Photo State Machine (Model Konica Minolta Bizhub - 206)

Quotation required-uploaded on 11/03/2022

bullet Sofa Set

Quotation required-uploaded on 11/03/2022

bullet Bhalu Mitti & Ojri Khad (Urea)

Quotation required-uploaded on 08/03/2022

bullet Wooden Coat Hanger (as per Sample)

Quotation required-uploaded on 07/03/2022

bullet Treadmill 4010 & 4011 12kg

Quotation required-uploaded on 04/03/2022

bullet General Items

Quotation required-uploaded on 03/03/2022

bullet Rrepair and Maintenance of Items

Quotation required-uploaded on 03/03/2022


bullet Rrepairing of Lawn Mover Machine (Parven House)

Quotation required-uploaded on 22/02/2022

bullet Supply of Parts for Photocopy Machine (Model Ricoh MP-2001)

Quotation required-uploaded on 17/02/2022

bullet MFP Board of BH 758 for Photostate Machine (Konika Minolta Bizhub Model 758)

Quotation required-uploaded on 10/02/2022

bullet Supply of Parts for Photocopy Machine (Model Konica Minolta Bizhub-206)

Quotation required-uploaded on 10/02/2022

bullet Supply of PVC Pipe for High Court of Sindh Karachi

Quotation required-uploaded on 09/02/2022

bullet Supply of SOIL / BHALO MITTI for High Court of Sindh Karachi

Quotation required-uploaded on 08/02/2022

bullet Distill Water Bottles for Battery of Generator

Quotation required-uploaded on 02/02/2022


bullet Face Mask Black Antiviral Disposable (3PLY)

Quotation required-uploaded on 14/01/2022

bullet Supply of Parts for Photocopy Machine

Quotation required-uploaded on 13/01/2022

bullet Purchase of Toners

Quotation required-uploaded on 12/01/2022


bullet General Items

Quotation required-uploaded on 07/12/2021

bullet Repair of Lawn Mower Machine Machine

Quotation required-uploaded on 06/12/2021


bullet Procurement of Stapler Pin

Quotation required-uploaded on 29/11/2021

bullet Procurement of Sofa Set

Quotation required-uploaded on 26/11/2021

bullet Procurement of General Items (Fabric)

Quotation required-uploaded on 25/11/2021

bullet Procurement of General Items (Folding Ladder)

Quotation required-uploaded on 25/11/2021

bullet Procurement of Office Card

Quotation required-uploaded on 25/11/2021

bullet Procurement of General / Miscellaneous Items

Quotation required-uploaded on 25/11/2021

bullet Procurement of General Items (04)

Quotation required-uploaded on 25/11/2021

bullet Procurement of General Items (01)

Quotation required-uploaded on 25/11/2021

bullet Procurement of Microphone System for Court Room

Quotation required-uploaded on 20/11/2021

bullet Purchase of Ink and Master Roll

Quotation required-uploaded on 17/11/2021

bullet Supply of Parts for Photocopy Machine

Quotation required-uploaded on 12/11/2021

bullet Repairing of Lawn Mover Machines

Quotation required-uploaded on 12/11/2021

bullet Provision of Crockery Items

Quotation required-uploaded on 10/11/2021

bullet Provision of Iron Trolley

Quotation required-uploaded on 10/11/2021

bullet Purchase of Ink and Master Roll

Quotation required-uploaded on 10/11/2021

bullet Procurement of General Items

Quotation required-uploaded on 08/11/2021

bullet Procurement of Electric Kettle

Quotation required-uploaded on 08/11/2021

bullet Procurement of High Back Executive Revolving Office Chair

Quotation required-uploaded on 03/11/2021


bullet Supply of General Items (Top Cover and Sunshade)

Quotation required-uploaded on 29/10/2021

bullet Supply of Goose Neck Microphone

Quotation required-uploaded on 28/10/2021

bullet Supply of Microphone (Mic:)

Quotation required-uploaded on 26/10/2021

bullet Purchase of Iron Almirah

Quotation required-uploaded on 25/10/2021

bullet Procurement of Misc. Items

Quotation required-uploaded on 23/10/2021

bullet Procurement of Book Shelves

Quotation required-uploaded on 23/10/2021

bullet Purchase of Toners

Quotation required-uploaded on 23/10/2021

bullet Provision of Iron Trolley

Quotation required-uploaded on 22/10/2021

bullet Provision of Mice Trap, Table Glass with Green Table Cloth

Quotation required-uploaded on 21/10/2021

bullet Provision of LED Tube Light (White)

Quotation required-uploaded on 21/10/2021

bullet Repair and Maintenance of iron trolley

Quotation required-uploaded on 21/10/2021

bullet Purchase of General Items (Telephone Wire and accessories)

Quotation required-uploaded on 18/10/2021

bullet Purchase of General Items (Mask, Liaquat cap, water cooler, lock etc)

Quotation required-uploaded on 18/10/2021

bullet Purchase of General Items (Hand wash, soap, sanitizer, etc)

Quotation required-uploaded on 18/10/2021

bullet Provision of Tyres and Tubes

Quotation required-uploaded on 18/10/2021

bullet Provision of Window Blind Sheet

Quotation required-uploaded on 18/10/2021

bullet Purchase of Toners

Quotation required-uploaded on 16/10/2021

bullet Repair & Maintenance of Almirah

Quotation required-uploaded on 16/10/2021

bullet Supply of Plantation Items

Quotation required-uploaded on 14/10/2021

bullet Procurement of Revolving Chair

Quotation required-uploaded on 13/10/2021

bullet Procurement of Stationery Items

Quotation required-uploaded on 13/10/2021

bullet Procurement of Illumination on High Court Building (Front Side) on occasion of Eid Milad-un-Nabi.

Quotation required-uploaded on 11/10/2021

bullet Procurement of High Back Revolving Office Chair

Quotation required-uploaded on 09/10/2021

bullet Procurement of Bracket Fan

Quotation required-uploaded on 07/10/2021

bullet Supply of Parts for Photostate Machine

Quotation required-uploaded on 07/10/2021

bullet Requirement of Car Top Cover

Quotation required-uploaded on 05/10/2021

bullet Procurement of Synthesis Carpet (1)

Quotation required-uploaded on 05/10/2021

bullet Procurement of Synthesis Carpet (2)

Quotation required-uploaded on 05/10/2021

bullet Procurement of Synthesis Carpet (3)

Quotation required-uploaded on 05/10/2021

bullet Procurement of Misc. Stationery Items

Quotation required-uploaded on 04/10/2021

bullet Procurement of Water Dispenser

Quotation required-uploaded on 04/10/2021

bullet Procurement of Synthesis Carpet

Quotation required-uploaded on 02/10/2021

bullet Procurement of Mini Room Fridge

Quotation required-uploaded on 02/10/2021


bullet Procurement of Fax Machines

Quotation required-uploaded on 30/09/2021

bullet Procurement of Iron Almirah

Quotation required-uploaded on 29/09/2021

bullet Procurement of Iron File Cabinet

Quotation required-uploaded on 29/09/2021

bullet Procurement of Curtains

Quotation required-uploaded on 29/09/2021

bullet Purchase of Refrigerator, Dispenser, Water Chiller

Quotation required-uploaded on 28/09/2021

bullet Supply of Tyres for Honda Civic 1800

Quotation required-uploaded on 24/09/2021

bullet Provision of Chairs

Quotation required-uploaded on 23/09/2021

bullet Provision of Curtains

Quotation required-uploaded on 23/09/2021

bullet Provision of Almirah

Quotation required-uploaded on 23/09/2021

bullet Provision of Steel Racks

Quotation required-uploaded on 23/09/2021

bullet Computer Articles.

Quotation required-uploaded on 17/09/2021

bullet Supply of Parts of Fax Machine(Model KX-FT-711).

Quotation required-uploaded on 16/09/2021

bullet Supply of Stapler Machine, Masking Tape, Stapler Pins, Paper Tape, Packing Paper.

Quotation required-uploaded on 15/09/2021

Correction in Quotation required-uploaded on 20/09/2021

bullet Wooden Book Shelf for the Chamber of Hon'ble Judge.

Quotation required-uploaded on 14/09/2021

bullet Supply of Parts of OTTOMOTORS Dielsel generator set with Cummins Engine (Model CNE290) Coupled with Stamford Alternator of 256 KVA).

Quotation required-uploaded on 14/09/2021

bullet Supply of 04 Tyres for Toyota Corolla 1800CC Model 2017.

Quotation required-uploaded on 13/09/2021

bullet Supply of Consumables parts for Konica Minolta Bizhub-206.

1. Quotation required-uploaded on 13/09/2021
2. Quotation required-uploaded on 13/09/2021

bullet Supply of Genuine parts for Lawn Mower Machine.

Quotation required-uploaded on 13/09/2021

bullet Supply of Risco Ink and Master Roll for Cyclostyle Machine.

Quotation required-uploaded on 09/09/2021

bullet Supply of Uniform(Sherwani for Hawaldars) for High Court of Sindh Karachi

Quotation required-uploaded on 08/09/2021

bullet Supply of Synthetic Carpet for High Court of Sindh Karachi

Quotation required-uploaded on 07/09/2021

bullet Supply of Heavy Duty Fax Machine for High Court of Sindh Karachi

Quotation required-uploaded on 07/09/2021

bullet Supply of Car Flags, Monogram Cover and National Flags for High Court of Sindh Karachi

Quotation required-uploaded on 07/09/2021

bullet Supply of Plastic Tarpal (Cover) for High Court of Sindh Karachi

Quotation required-uploaded on 07/09/2021

bullet Supply of General Items, for High Court of Sindh Karachi

Quotation required-uploaded on 03/09/2021

bullet Supply of Gum Stick,Flag General Color,Scissor,Stapler Pin,Sticking Flags for High Court of Sindh, Karachi.

Quotation required-uploaded on 02/09/2021


bullet Supply of Face Mask for High Court of Sindh, Karachi.

Quotation required-uploaded on 31/08/2021

bullet Supply of Plastic Sheets & File Cards, for High Court of Sindh, Karachi.

Quotation required - uploaded on 31/08/2021

Judgments News

