
High Court has the Constitutional, Supervisory and the Civil Original Jurisdiction :

High Court is conferred with a vast, comprehensive and effective jurisdiction under the Constitution. Subject to law and the constitution, and where no other adequate remedy is provided by law, the High Court in its constitutional jurisdiction, inter-alia, may make an order.

  • Directing a person performing, within the territorial jurisdiction of the court (functioning in connection with the affairs of the Federation, province or a local authority to refrain from doing anything he is not permitted by law to do, or to do anything he is required by law to do
  • Declaring that any act done or proceeding taken within the territorial jurisdiction of the Court by a person performing functions in connection with the affairs of the Federation, province or a local authority has been done or taken without lawful authority and is of No. legal effect:
  • Directing that a person in custody within the territorial jurisdiction of the Court may be brought before it so that the court may satisfy itself that he is not being held in custody without lawful authority or in an unlawful manner
  • require a person within the territorial jurisdiction of the Court holding or purporting to hold a public office to show under what authority of law he claims to hold that office

Further, the High Court may make an order giving directions as may be appropriate, to any person or authority, including any Government exercising any power or performing any function in, or in relation to, any territory within the jurisdiction of the Court for the enforcement of any of the Fundamental Rights conferred by the Constitution.

Supervisory Jurisdiction

High Court exercises two types of supervisory jurisdictions i.e. the Judicial and the Administrative. High Court supervises and control all courts subordinate to it. Such judicial superintendence is carried out by way of entertaining and hearing Appeals and Revisions against the orders/judgments of the courts subordinate to High Court. Whereas in its Administrative supervisory jurisdiction the High Court inter-alia ;

  • Monitors to ensure smooth and effective functioning of the courts subordinate to it
  • Recruit and post the judicial officers , for the courts subordinate to it
  • Frame rules for standardized procedure and process for effective functioning of subordinate courts
  • Issues general instructions and caries out inspection of subordinate civil and criminal courts.
  • Disciplinary action including departmental enquiry
  • ACR
  • Complaints against Judicial officers

Civil Original Jurisdiction

The Principal seat of the High Court of Sindh, further has the Civil Original Jurisdiction in all civil cases including company cases, admiralty cases, etc in which the relief claimed exceeds 6.5 crore. However, the limit in banking matters is exceeding 5 crores.

Judgments News

