Honourable Justice

Justice Zulfiqar Ahmad Khan

Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ahmad Khan

Justice Zulfiqar Ahmad Khan completed his degrees in Mechanical Engineering from NED University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi; LLB from the University of Karachi and Post Graduate Diploma in IT & Telecom Laws from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. He completed one-year course on drafting patent specification at Australian standards conducted by the Institute of Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys of Australia and thereby attaining PAPSB 91/C3 and 91/C2 certificates from the Australian Patent Attorneys Professional Standards Board. Justice Khan became a member of Sindh Bar Council in 1993 and since has practiced in the areas of Intellectual Property, Internet, Media, High Technology, Maritime and Construction laws. He has written widely on the subjects of his interest. He is the key author of the Trade Marks Ordinance, 2001. He acted for the World Intellectual Property Rights Organization and framed Patents, Designs and Integrated Circuit Rules for Pakistan. Pakistan's first Geographical Indication; Pakistan Intellectual Property Rights Organization (PIPRO) and Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing laws are also attributed to have been drafted by him. He assisted Pakistan's accession to the World Trade Organization and presented Pakistan's Intellectual Property laws at latter's Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPS) council in Switzerland for review and acceptance. He is also a founding member of Pakistan Environmental Law Association and Khursheed Khan Center for Advancement of Intellectual Property & Modern Laws. Justice Khan also founded Pakistan Maritime Law Association and had the association accepted at the Comitē Maritime International (CMI) at its convention in 1998.
Professional Associations
In his professional career ranging more than 30 years, Justice Khan has been associated with Asian Patent Attorneys Association (Japan); Institute of Patent Attorneys of Australia (Australia); International Chamber of Commerce (France); Fédération Internationale des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle - FICPI (Switzerland); American Bar Association - ABA (USA), International Trademark Association (USA); International Association for Protection of Intellectual Property,[Past Delegate for Independent Members from Europe and Asia] (Switzerland); European Communities Trademark Association (EU); American Intellectual Property Law Association (USA); South African Institute of Intellectual Property Law (South Africa); Institute of Trade Mark Agents (United Kingdom); DRI - Defense Attorneys Association (USA); The Chartered Institute of Patent Agents (United Kingdom); International Bar Association; Licensing Executive Society; Counter Force (a specialized group of International Chamber of Commerce - Switzerland); National Association of Patent Professionals (USA); Pharmaceutical Trade Mark Group (United Kingdom); Center for International Legal Studies (Switzerland); German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property - GRUR (Germany); Biotechnology Industry Association (USA); The Law Association for Asia & the Pacific (LawAsia - Australia); Japan Intellectual Property Association (Japan); ICANN@Large Asia and Pacific Region; Pakistan Industrial and Intellectual Property Rights Association; Pakistan Engineering Council; Urban & Regional Information System Association (USA) and Pakistan Japan Business Council.
International Committees
Justice Khan has been a member of ABA, INTA, APPA and ECTA committees on Legal Databases; Copyright Developments; Trademark Litigation; Publication; Famous & Well Known Marks (FWKM); Trademark Internet; WIPO Link and Anti-counterfeiting. He has been a member of the Ministry of Commerce committee on Intellectual Property Rights and Ministry of Industries, Government of Pakistan working group on Paten Law amendments. He had represented Pakistan at various WIPO and WTO sessions. Justice Khan was also a member of ICC (France) Commission on International Arbitration and Intellectual and Industrial Property; AIPLA Committee on Practice in Europe.
Information Technology
With his interests in Information Technology, Justice Khan founded Pakistan Legal Automation Foundation with the assistance from the Asia Foundation. Prior to taking law as a full-time career he has been working as an IT expert on World Bank, Asian Development Bank and Planning and Development Collaborative International - PADCO (USA) projects in Pakistan. His IT expertise included Relational and Full-Text Databases; Remote Imaging; Digital Mapping, Geographical Information Systems; CAD; Urban Infra-structure Planning and Software Training.
Professional Writings
Justice Khan widely writes on patent, trade mark and copyright in international periodicals including, Trade Mark World and AIPPI Journal (Japan). He has authored Pakistan chapter in the leading Financial Times book on Trademark, Trade Names & Unfair Competition; Pakistan Country Report for International Trade Mark Association; Pakistan chapter on Life Science Law in the Life Science Law Review published by Law Business Research Ltd., (United Kingdom); Pakistan chapter on Trade Marks in the World Trade Mark Review. His articles on Pakistan Patent Ordinance, 2000 and Protection of Layout Designs of Integrated Circuits have been published in IP Frontline. He also authored Pakistan Patent Office Work Manual for the Pakistan Patent Office as a part of the assignment from the World Intellectual Property Rights Organization (Switzerland). He is Country Representative for Pakistan for Bio-Science Law Review magazine, published by Law Text Publishing Limited (United Kingdom).
Professional Courses
Justice Khan has completed specialized courses from Intellectual Property Organization Academy on Intellectual Property; Traditional Knowledge & Intellectual Property; Copyright & Related Rights. He has attended Japan Patent Attorneys Association's IP Practitioner's Seminar in Vietnam and Singapore; Regional Dialogue on Trade, Intellectual Property and Biological Resources in Asia in Bangladesh 2002; Executive Program on Strategic Intellectual Property Management in Goa in 2007; Organizational Capacity Assessment & Organizational Development by Agha Khan Foundation in Peshawar in 2000; International Training Workshop on Patent Systems in Hyderabad Sindh in 2005; EPB-IBFAM Seminar on INCOTERMS in Karachi in 1999; International Chamber of Commerce Regional Foreign Direct Investment Conference in Karachi in 2002. He also attended course on Taxation Laws & Practice the Hamdard School of Law in 2002. He has also spoken on Intellectual Property Rights in WIPO National Seminar on Intellectual Property for Export Competitiveness organized by WIPO in consultation with Economic Affairs Division and Export Promotion Bureau, Government of Pakistan in Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad.
Justice Khan has passion for teaching. Starting from PETROMAN in 1987 where he trained a large number of students in computer software and AutoCAD applications, he has continually been attached with various teaching instructions over time. Justice Khan has been teaching IP laws at Hamdard School of Law for over a decade. He has trained judges at Federal and Sindh Judicial Academies including conducting Commercial Law Development Program (CLDP) training on Adjudication of Intellectual Property Disputes in 2006. In 2008 Justice Khan led a delegation of Judges from Sindh for training on Intellectual Property laws conducted in Bahrain by the Commercial Law Development Program. Justice Khan has recorded 32 lectures on IP for US Department of Commerce's Project at the Virtual University, Lahore. He organized and participated in the Advocacy Training Workshop arranged by the UK Bar Council in association with British Council in 2002 conducted by Timothy Dutton QC. He has also lectured at the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan at Karachi on Intellectual Property in 2009.
Justice Khan has the honor of being selected for IV Program on Intellectual Property Rights in1997 and was also selected to represent the province of Sindh on Young Lawyers Professional Development Program developed and conduced by the UK Bar Council in association with British Council in March 2001. He also has the honor of being invited to The Rockefeller Foundation's Bellagio Center (Italy) on Development-Oriented IPR Agenda in 2003 as well as to the Asian Dialogue on Technology Transfer for Local Manufacturing Capacity of Drugs and Vaccines in Malaysia in 2010.
Justice Khan has filed 3 Pakistani and 3 US Patents for his inventions and processes. These include One-Stroke internal combustion engine; Dot-Line Printer; Methods and systems for monitoring registered trademarks; Systems for communicating infringement of trademarks and methods thereof and A real time audience rating survey system and method thereof.
He has interests in heritage, architecture and conservation. He retains a good collection of heritage tiles, antique doors and furniture. In spare time he writes poetry in Urdu, Saraiki and English.
Judgments News

