Mr. Justice Omar Sial
Schooled at Karachi Grammar School, Justice Omar Sial read for a Bachelor of Law degree from S.M. Law College in Karachi and a Master of Law degree from the University of Cambridge in England. He is a Lady Noon Scholar and a Fellow of the Cambridge Commonwealth Trust. He is the Pakistan Representative for Trinity Hall College of the University of Cambridge and a member of the research team of the Hauser Global Law School Program at the NYU Law School. Justice Sial was admitted as an advocate of the District Courts of Sindh in March 1999 and as an advocate of the High Courts of Pakistan in March 2001. In addition to his private practice, he was appointed as a Special Prosecutor for the Anti-Narcotics Force in 2014 and continued in that position till November 30, 2016 when he was elevated as an Additional Judge of the Sindh High Court. He was confirmed as a judge of the Sindh High Court on November 27, 2017. Justice Omar Sial in the past was assigned the task of Monitoring Judge of the Anti-Terrorism Courts of Sindh and represented the Sindh High Court on the Syndicates of Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto University of Medicine in Larkana as well as the University of Sufism in Bhit Shah. Currently, he is a member of the Syndicates of the University of Sindh and Dadabhoy Institute of Education. |