عدالتِ عالیہ سندھ کی اردو اور سندھی ورژن ویب سائٹ کی بہتری کے لئے آپ کی مثبت تجاویز کو خوش آمدید کیا جائے گا اور اس ضمن میں ہماری حوصلہ افضائی ہوگی۔ [email protected]

خبریں اور اعلانات

ججوں ، ایڈووکیٹ ، مقدمات ، واقعات ، سرکولر اور نوٹیفیکیشن سے متعلق تازہ ترین خبریں

bullet Notification No. Gaz/IV.B16 dated: 2nd Sep.,2019. Appointment of 03 Additional Judges of Sindh High Court who took oath on 29-08-2019
bullet Circular No SS/HC/OTC/2019 Dated: 28th August 2019 regarding Oath Taking Ceremony of Additioanl Judges
bullet Notification No Gaz/IV.B.16 Dated: 5th January 2019 regarding Additioanl Judges and their Oath

Notification No Gaz/Const./Company Bench Dated: 25th August 2018 regarding Registrar of the Company Bench

Notification No Gaz/Const./Company Bench Dated: 25th August 2018 regarding Company Bench constituted at Sindh High Court, Principal Seat Karachi, Comprising of Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Junaid Ghaffar

bullet List of Additional District & Sessions Judges who have been recommended for promotion as District & Sessions Judges(BPS-21) by the Departmental Promotion Committee in its meeting held on 21st January 2017.
bullet Circular regarding funeral prayers of Mr. Justice Syed Saeeduddin Nasir.
bullet Govt. of Pakistan Notification No. F.1(2)/2016-A.II Islamabad, dated 13th March 2017 "Appointment of Mr. Justice Ahmed Ali M. Sheikh as Chief Justice ,High Court of Sindh."
bullet Notification No.GAZ/C.P.38/2016 SC(COMMISSION) Karachi dated 29 Dec, 2016 regarding Appointment of Registrar of Inquiry Commission
bullet Notification No.GAZ/C.P.38/2016 SC(COMMISSION) Karachi dated 29 Dec, 2016 regarding Appointment of Inquiry Commission
bullet Civil Judges & Judicial Magistrates recommended for promotion as Senior Civil Judges / Assistant Sessions Judges
bullet Order No: Conf:VI-Z-23(65-JM)DP, regarding Compulsory Retirement imposed on CJ&JM Karachi. dated: 22-02-2016
bullet Notification dated: 19-12-2015 , Oath as Chief Justice of Sindh High Court
bullet Notification No. Gaz/IV.B.16 Karachi, dated: 04-11-2015 Appointment of 09 Additional Judges of SHC who took oath on 30-10-2015 (Revised List)
bullet PCO No.1 of 2007 on 3rd November 2007 The names of Hon'ble Judges who refused to take oath under PCO No.1 of 2007 on 3rd November 2007
bullet Notification No.F.1(1)/2015-A-II dated: 03-11-2015 regarding Acting Chief Justice of this Court.
bullet Notification related to the Functions of the Administrative Judges of the Tribunals/Special Courts.
bullet Order No Gaz/IV.Z.17(A)(ii) Dated: 01 October 2015
bullet Administration Committee meeting for consideration / Granting fitness Certificate for enrolement as Advocate of Hon'ble Supreme Court of Pakistan 10.02.2024.
bullet Profarma & List of required documents for registration as Advocates' Clerk
bullet Circular Dated. 17 Nov 2022, "Regarding No Smoking & No Spitting Area" New
bullet Circular regarding Pakistan Steel Mill retired employees/petitioners to collect their pay orders from Nazir Branch .
From 09:00am to 12:30pm (Serial No.2301 to 2900) & 02:00pm to 04:00pm (Serial No.2901 to 3349) on 26th September, 2020 (Saturday).
Must bring Origna CNIC, Service Card or Relieving Order with its photocopies.
This is the last list of distribution, No further list will be uploaded afterward.
bullet Notice Dated: 15 Dec 2015, Public Complaints regarding Writ Petitions
Case Institution / Fixation Information
bullet Notification No. Gaz/XII.Z.14(HC)(iii)/2022 Dated: 19-10-2022 regarding E-Notice Software.
bullet Circular regarding urgent Commercial Cases dated:30-10-2013
bullet Circular regarding urgent hearing of applications dated:21-08-2021
bullet Circular regarding Discontinuation of sending files out of Station dated: 15-02-2016
bullet Circular related to the applications for Certified Copies filed in Disposed off Cases.
bullet Circular No. Gaz/XII.Z.14(HC)(ii) dated: 2nd-10-2015 related to the categories of Civil Cases shall be instituted before the Deputy Registrar(Income Tax & Finance) of this Court.
Cases of Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Maalik Gaddi

Cr. Revision Application S-58 of 2020 New
Cr. Appeal D-46 of 2020 New


Cr. Bail S-592 of 2020
C.P.No.D-806 of 2020
C.P.No.D-828 of 2020
C.P.No.D-116 of 2014
Cr.Appeal No.D-52 of 2018

Cr. Misc. Application No.328 of 2020 New

Cr. Bail Application No. S- 731 of 2020 New

Cr. Appeal No.S-102 of 2020 New

C.P No.D-855 of 2020 New


Cr. Misc. Application No. S- 651 of 2019

Cp-D.No. D-2115 of 2014

Cp-D.No. D-2115 of 2014

Cp-D.No. D-447 of 2020
Cp-D.No. D-811 of 2020 New

bullet Order Dated 17.08.2020 in Cr. Bail Appl. No.S-293/2020 & No.S-310/2020 by Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Maalik Gaddi
bullet Judgement Dated 24th July,2020 in Const.Petition No.D-1019 of 2019 along with C.P.No.D-1046 of 2019 Muhammad Ayaz Khan and others VS Federation of Pakistan and others by a Divisional Bench comprising of Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi and Mr. Justice Mahmood A. Khan
bullet Judgment Dated 02/07/2020 passed in C.P. No.D-3757 of 2013 and other connected petitions by the Divisional Bench comprising Hon'ble Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi and Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Junaid Ghaffar

Judgment Dated 12/06/2020 passed in C.P. No.D-444 of 2019 by the Divisional Bench comprising Hon'ble Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi and Hon'ble Mr. Justice Zulfiqar Ahmad Khan
bullet Judgment Dated 22/06/2020 CP(D)-663, 907, 908 & 982 of 2007 by Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar , Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Maalik Gaddi
bullet Judgment Dated 09/07/2020 CP(D)-3104 and 3105 of 2020 by Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Maalik Gaddi, Justice Mrs Kausar Sultana Hussain
bullet Judgment Dated 20/05/2020 in Cr. Bail Applications No.618,619 and 620 of 2020 by Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Maalik Gaddi, Justice Mrs Rashida Asad
bullet Order passed by Divisional Bench comprising Hon'ble Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar and Hon'ble Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed passed in CP-D-2285 of 2020 for offering prayers in mosques in terms of S.O.P. formulated by President of Pakistan.
bullet Judgement Dated 27th April,2020 in Special Criminal Anti-Terrorism Appeal No.222,223 of 2019 (Shahzad Ahmed son of Siraj Ahmed Qureshi V/S The State) & Special Criminal Anti-Terrorism Appeal No.337 of 2019 (Adnan son of Ashfaq Vs The State) by Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Maalik Gaddi, Justice Mrs Rashida Asad.
bullet Judgement Dated 08th April,2020 in Special Criminal Anti-Terrorism Appeal No.348 2019 Nasarullah Khan son of Nazir Ahmed V/S The State by Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Maalik Gaddi, Justice Mrs Rashida Asad.
bullet Judgement in Special Criminal Anti-Terrorism Appeal No.76 2020 Fazal Wahab @ Kaki son of Bunier Gul V/S The State through Mr. Abdullah Rajput by Hon'ble Mr. Justice Abdul Maalik Gaddi, Justice Mrs Rashida Asad.
bullet Judgement in Spl. Anti. Ter. A. 261/2018 Sikandar Ali Lashari S/O Ali Muhammad V/S The State by Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Agha Faisal.
bullet Judgement Dated: 02.04.2020 in Daniel Pearls Appeal.
bullet Judgement Dated: 02.04.2020 in Daniel Pearls Appeal.
bullet CP(D) 5920/2015 - Order passed by Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar and Mr. Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed in the petition of Kainat Soomro Others vs Province of Sindh and Others.
bullet CP(D) 2157/2008 - Judgment passed by Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar and Mr. Justice Abdul Malik Gaddi in the petitions filed to challenge the Combined Competitive Examination 2003 (CCE-2003) conducted by Sindh Public Service Commission (SPSC). The Hon'ble Judges constituted a High Powered Inquiry Commission to probe and submit the report to the competent authority.
bullet C.P NO:D-6382/2019 Judgement with regard to surrendering the services of DIG and SP to establishment division Government of Pakistan in violation of law.
bullet ORDER IN C.P NO:D-1437/2019 and 2356/2019 and connected Petitions BY HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE OMAR SIAL.
bullet CP(D) 2157/2008 - Judgment passed by Hon'ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar and Mr. Justice Abdul Malik Gaddi in the petitions filed to challenge the Combined Competitive Examination 2003 (CCE-2003) conducted by Sindh Public Service Commission (SPSC). The Hon'ble Judges constituted a High Powered Inquiry Commission to probe and submit the report to the competent authority.
bullet Order in C.P.(S) 2116/2018 (Protection, Welfare and Rehabilitation of Children)New
bullet Circular No. Gaz/XII.Z.14(HC(iii) Karachi Dated the 25th September 2018 regarding Order passed by Hon'ble Supreme Court of Pakistan Dated 29/08/2018 in Civil Petition 316-K/2018 - Muhammad Younis Vs Muhammad Sharif and others
bullet Judgment in C.P.No.D-6274 of 2017(Private Schools)
bullet Const. P. 2110/2009 (D.B.) Sindh High Court, Karachi - Muhammad Tariq Qasmi (Petitioner) VS Federation of Pakistan & ors (Respondent) -
bullet Judgment in CP 5812-2015 School Fees Case
bullet Judgment in CP 4387-2014 (DRAP ACT)
bullet Judgment in CP D-7159/2017 (Regulatory Duty Case) and connected Petitions
bullet Judgment of CP D-786/2017 (NTS)
bullet Notification No: Gaz.II.d.7, Karachi, dated: 04-02-2016 regarding Copying Fee Enhancement
bullet Circular No. Gaz/XII.Z.14(HC)(ii) Dated: 02 October 2015
bullet Circular No.GAZ/XII.Z.14(HC)(i) regarding Senior Citizens.
bullet Cr. Bail Application No. 264 of 2013 Pervez Musharaf Vs State & another
bullet Circular No.Reg/SHC/P.A regarding Stay Orders.
bullet Judgement of Local Govt. Delimitation Cases CP.NO-D-5098/2013 & Connected Petitions
bullet Special Court's Order dated: 21-11-2014 in General (R) Pervez Musharraf's Trial.
bullet Order No. GAZ/HC.Est/Assignement, regarding Assignement of Incharge Civil Appellate Branch dated 06th February, 2025.New
bullet Notification No. GAZ/Appointment/D.G(F&A) dated 4th February, 2025. Repatriation of Mr. Azeez Ahmed Zai, BS-20/PA&PS, presently posted as Director General (Finance & Accounts) (BPS-20) on deputation basis to his parent department. New
bullet Admission for MBBS Sessions 2024-2025 , Al-Mizan Foundation, Letter dt.27th Jan, 2025.
bullet Notification No.Gaz/Service Procedure/1965 Hague Conv/Scotland Dated: 14th November,2024 regarding process of Service under the 1965 Hague Convention in Scotland New
bullet List of Civil Judges and Judicial Megistrates after consideration are recommended for promotion as Senior Civil Judges/Assistant Sessions Judges. New
bullet No.Gaz/XII.Z.14(HC)(iv) Karachi dated 06-11-2024 regarding Instructions for Advocates/concerned Petitioners in Pursuance of 26th Amendment. New
bullet Notification No.362/Conf/Tr(JO)2024 Karachi Dated: 22nd Aug, 2024 - Transfer & Postings of Judicial Officers. New
bullet Notification No.Gaz/Const./Company Bench Karachi Dated: 21st Aug, 2024 Hon'ble Chief Justice has been pleased to order that Additional Registrar(O.S) of this Court, shall be the Registrar of Company Benches, in addition to his own duties.New
bullet Notification No.Gaz/Const./Company Bench Karachi Dated: 20th July, 2024 Hon'ble Chief Justice has been pleased to constitute two Company Benches on Original Side. New
bullet Oath Taking Ceremony of the Additional Judges to be the Judges of High Court of Sindh will be held on Saturday, the 13th April 2024 at 11:00 A.M. New
bullet Attend the Oath Taking Ceremony. New
bullet Make necessary arrangment for media coverage of the aforesaid ceremony. New
bullet Admission for MBBS Sessions 2023-2024 , Al-Mizan Foundation, Letter dt. 15th Nov, 2023.
bullet Admission for Engineering (BS) Sessions 2022-23, Al- Mizan Foundation 25th Nov, 2022.
bullet Admission for MBBS Sessions 2022-2023 , Al- Mizan Foundation 25th Nov, 2022.
bullet Notification Establishment of Circuit Court of High Court of Sindh at Mirpurkhas ,Umerkot and Tharparkar of Mirpurkhas Division dated: 2nd feb 2023.
bullet No. 06/CONF/(Tr)(ADJ)/2023 Dated. 07 Jan 2022, Regarding Transfer and Postings of Additional District and Sessions Judges
bullet Circular Dated. 17 Nov 2022, "Regarding No Smoking & No Spitting Area"
bullet Notification No GAZ/XVII.3(v) Karachi Dated 29th April, 2022 Regarding Eid Holidays From 2nd May to 5th May, 2022 (Monday to Thursday)
bullet Notification No.83/Conf/Tr/CJJM/2022 dated:01-03-2022 Regarding Transfer & Postings of Civil Judges & Judicial Magistrates
bullet Notification No.104/Conf/Tr/CJJM/2021 dated:08-03-2022 Regarding Transfer & Postings.
bullet Medical and Dental College Admissions Test (MDCAT).
bullet 4164/2021 Const. P. Haleem Adil Shaikh (Petitioner) V/S Election Commission of Pakistan and Others (Respondent).
bullet Admission for Medical (MBBS) and Engineering (BS) Session 2021-2022 Against Reserved Seats of Al-Mizan Foundation.
bullet Press Release of First MCQs Test for recruitment to the post of Civil Judges & Judicial Magistrates.
bullet Notification No. GAZ/XVI-A-127 Dt. 20-11-2021 regarding revise and enhance the pecuniary limits of jurisdiction of Civil Judges in Province of Sindh
bullet Admission for Reserved Seat in BS Electrical Engineering in RIPAH International University
bullet Admission for MBBS Sessions 2020-21
bullet No.HC/ADMI/Upgradation dated: 9th Aug 2021, Upgradation of JCO & JHNT (BPS 7to12)
bullet Notification No. 183/Conf:(Tr)(ADJ)2021 dated: 9th June.,2021. Appointment of Additional District & Sessions Judge
bullet Circular No.Gaz/XII.14(iii) dated: 29th May 2021 - Circular in continuation to Circular dt. 30.04.2021, 03.05.2021, 20.05.2021
bullet Circular No.Gaz/XII.Z.(iii) dated: 20th May 2021 - Circular in continuation to Circular dt. 3rd May 2021 & 30th Apr 2021.
bullet Circular No.GAZ/XII.Z.14(iii) dated: 3rd May 2021 - added words in circular no GAZ/XII.Z.14(iii) dated 30-04-2021
bullet Circular No.GAZ/XII.Z.14(iii) dated: 30th Apr 2021 - Fixation of Cases (Sindh High Court ,District & Sessions Courts ,Special Courts and Tribunals)
bullet Circular No.RHC/Circular/2021 Karachi dated: 20th Mar 2021 - regarding increase in the cases of COVID-19
bullet Circular No: RHC/CIRCULAR/2020 Dated: 25th Nov ,2020 related to protocol/instructions/precautionary measures regarding Second Wave of COVID-19
bullet Notification No: Gaz/VI.Z.7(III)(C) Dated: 01 Oct 2020 regarding assign the charge of Project Director (AJP) of this court to Mr. Abdul Razzaq, Member Inspection Team -II in addition of his duties.
bullet Circular regarding Pakistan Steel Mill retired employees/petitioners to collect their pay orders from Nazir Branch on 26th September, 2020 (Saturday).
From 09:00am to 12:30pm (Serial No.2301 to 2900) & from 02:00pm to 04:00pm (Serial No.2901 to 3349).
Every One must bring Origna CNIC, Service Card or Relieving Order with its photocopies.
This is the last list of distribution, No further list will be uploaded afterward.
bullet It is informed that pay orders to remaining Petitioners will be distributed on Saturday 26th September, 2020. List of those Petitioners will be uploaded on 25.09.2020. No any Payorders will be distributed on Friday 25.09.2020
bullet Circular regarding retired employees of Pakistan Steel Mill to collect their pay orders on Thursday 24.09.2020 from 09:00am to 01:00pm (Serial No.1401 to 1907) & 02:00pm to 04:00pm (Serial No.1908 to 2300) from Nazir Branch.
bullet Circular regarding retired employees of Pakistan Steel Mill to collect their pay orders on Wednesday 23.09.2020 from 09:00am to 01:00pm (Serial No.901 to 1400) from Nazir Branch.
bullet Circular regarding retired employees of Pakistan Steel Mill to collect their pay orders on Tuesday 22.09.2020 from 09:00am to 01:00pm (Serial No.401 to 700) & 02:00pm to 04:00pm (Serial No.701 to 900) from Nazir Branch.
bullet Circular regarding retired employees of Pakistan Steel Mill to collect their pay orders on Monday 21.09.2020 from 09:00 am to 04:00pm (1 Hour break from 01:00pm to 02:00pm) from Nazir Branch.
bullet Circular regarding retired employees of Pakistan Steel Mill to collect their pay orders tomorrow 19.09.2020 at 2pm from Nazir Branch.
bullet The Hon'ble Chief Justice, High Court of Sindh has been pleased to declare 03rd August (Monday) as public holiday for High Court of Sindh@Karachi, its Bench at Sukkur and Circuit Courts at Hyderabad & Larkana and subordinate Courts to it in the Province on account of Eid-ul-Azha.
bullet Circular In persuance to the Circular No RHC/Circular/2020 dated 22nd march 2020 all the civil work in District Judiciary in the entire Province shall remain suspended except urgent matters till further orders
bullet Circular In persuance to the Circular No RHC/Circular/2020 dated 22nd march 2020 all the civil business of this Hon'ble Court shal remain close from 24th March 2020 till further orders
bullet Circular regarding taking preemptive measure from COVID-19.
bullet Written/Practical Test for the post of Junior Computer Operator (JCO) And Junior Hardware/Network Technician (JHNT).
bullet Advertisement & Application Forms for vacant Posts @ Sindh High Court Principal Seat, Karachi.
bullet Advertisement for the Post of Member Finance published on Sunday 7th Feb,2016
bullet Advertisement for filling the vacant posts at Circuit Court Hyderabad dated:10th Feb, 2016.
bullet Advertisement for the Post of P.A. to Judge & P.A. to Officer (B-17)
Download Form for the Post of P.A. to Judge & P.A. to Officer (B-17)

Appointments of (09) persons as SUB OFFICE ASSOCIATES (BPS-9) in Sindh High Court, Circuit Court at Hyderabad, with directions to collect their Offer Letters from Additional Registrar, Circuit Court, Hyderabad within three (03) days.

Waiting list for appointment as SUB OFFICE ASSOCIATES (BPS-9). They will be considered for appointment as per vacancy position/exigency either at Principal Seat Karachi or at Circuit Court Hyderabad/Larkana or Bench at Sukkur. However, the Competent Authority reserves the right to cancel/annul such list while candidates placed on the waiting list shall have no claim or right for appointment in this Court




NOTE: Those candidates who have secured 30 or above marks are required to appear in the Practical Test on 09-04-2017 at 8:30 (am) along with original CNIC & documents.

bullet Meritwise List of successful candidates recommended by the Selection Board for Appointment to The Post of Additional District & Sessions Judge
bullet Result of second written test for the post of Additional District and Sessions Judge held on 24th September 2016
Important Circulars/Notification
bullet Circular Dated. 5th June 2020 regarding directions/preventive measures, in wake of recent spread of COVID-19.
bullet Circular No: Gaz/XII.Z.14(HC)(ii) dated: 10-08-2018 regarding Tax Matters.
bullet Applications are invited from the children of deceased/retired/serving Employees for the posts recently Advertised on the Son Quota basis vide order No. HC/ADMI/00533 Dated 21-Sep-2017
bullet Notification No.HC/GAZE/01708 dated: 21-09-2016 (Selection Grade)
bullet Circular No.Gaz/XII.Z.14(HC)(ii) dated: 11-01-2016 (Office Timings)
bullet Circular No.Gaz/XII.Z.14(HC)(ii) dated: 01-01-2016
bullet Circular No. GAZ/XII.Z.14.HC(ii) Karachi, dated the 1st January, 2016
bullet Circular No. RHC/PA/Cir Karachi Dated 30th October, 2013
Eid Reunion Dinner & Award Distribution Ceremony
bullet Eid Reunion Dinner & Award Distribution Ceremony to the children of Judicial officers/Staff Members of High Court & District Courts
bullet Election of Karachi High Court Employees Co-Operative Housing Society Ltd.
bullet Notification No.REG/SHC/P.A, for Judicial Officers regarding Election 2013
bullet Statement of Election Appeals
bullet Summary of Election Petitions
International Conference 2012
bullet International Conference 2012 Beta Version
bullet Circular regarding Candidates seeking Admission in Riphah International Medical & Engineering Colleges of the Islamic International Medical Colleges Trust
Office Timings
bullet Notification No.Gaz/IV.A.5/2(i) dated:15-03-2023 regarding Ramzan Timings High Courts of Sindh at Karachi , its Bench at Sukkur and Circuit Court Hyderabad and Larkana and District & Subordinate 2023.
bullet Notification No.Gaz/IV.A.5/2(i) dated:24th March 2022 Regarding Ramzan Timings.
bullet Notification No.Gaz/XVII.3(I)(IV) regarding Officer Timings during Winter Holidays of High Court of Sindh and its Bench at Sukkur and Circuit Courts at Hyderabad and Larkana
bullet Notification No. Gaz/IV.A.5/2 (i) regarding Office Timings of High Court of Sindh at Karachi, its Bench at Sukkur and Circuit Courts at Hyderabad and Larkana
bullet Letter No. Gaz/XXI-Z-22 Regarding Re-Imbursement of Medical Charges Bills for All judicial Officers posted in Special Courts/Tribunals in Sindh and all the District & Sessions Judges in Sindh
bullet Notification No.Gaz/XVII.3(v) dated 04-02-2025 regarding Gazetted Holidays.
bullet Notification No. Gaz/XV11.4(i) dated 20 December 2024 regarding Death Anniversary of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto.
  Notification No. Gaz/XV11.4(i) dated 31st October 2024 regarding Holiday only for Hindu Community.
bullet Notification no Gaz/XVii.3(v) dated: 14th Sep 2024 on the occasion of Eid Milad-un-Nabi.
bullet Notification No.Gaz/XVII.4(I) Dated 19th August 2024 Regarding Holiday on the Occasion of Urs of Hazrat Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai R.A.
bullet Notification No.Gaz/XVII-4(i) Karachi Dated: 27th May, 2024 Regarding 28th May 2024 as Public Holiday on occasion of Youm-e-Takbeer
bullet Notification No.GAZ/XVII.13(I)(IV) Karachi dated 9th May, 2024 regarding Summer Vacation 2024 - Sindh High Court Karachi, Bench at Sukkur, Circuit Courts at Hyderabad, Larkana and Mirpurkhas
bullet Notification No.GAZ/XVII-1(ii) Karachi dated 9th May, 2024 regarding Summer Vacation 2024 - All Civil Courts, Original and Appellate sub-ordinate to the High Court of Sindh
bullet Notification No. GAZ/XVII.4(i) Dated: 7th February, 2024 Regarding regarding declaration of Public Holiday on 8th Feb., 2024 as the day of General Election 2024
bullet Notification No. GAZ/XVII.3(V) Dated: 15th January 2024 Regarding general information regarding Public and Optional Holidays during the calendar year 2024.
bullet Notification No. Gaz/XVII.4(I) Dt. 26-12-2023 regarding Holiday on account of death anniversary of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto.
bullet No. Gaz/XVII.3(I)(IV) Karachi Dated: 09th December 2023 Regarding Winter Vacation 2023-2024.
bullet Notification No.Gaz/XVII.4(I) Dated 30th August 2023 Regarding Holiday on the Occasion of Urs of Hazrat Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai R.A.
bullet Notification No.Gaz/XVII.3(v) Karachi Dated 26th July 2023 regarding Holiday on 28th and 29th July on the ocassion o Ashura
bullet Notification No.Gaz/XVII.3(v) Dated: 27th June 2023 regarding Eid-ul-Azha Holidays
bullet Notification No.GAZ/XVII.3(v) Karachi dated:19-04-2023 regarding Eid Holidays.
bullet Notification No. Gaz/XVII.3(v) Dated. 01-02-2023 regarding Holidays observed by the High Court of Sindh, Karachi and its Bench Suk, Hyd & Lkr.
bullet Notification No. Gaz/XVII.4(I) Dt. 22-12-2022 regarding Holiday on account of death anniversary of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto.
bullet Notification No: Gaz/XVII-4(i) Dated: 08th November 2022 regarding Holiday on the occasion of Allama Iqbal Day
bullet Notification No.Gaz/xvii.3(v) dated:06-08-2022 Regarding 8th and 9th August as Holidays
bullet Notification No.Gaz/xvii.13 dated:13-05-2022 Regarding Summer Vacations
bullet Notification No. Gaz/XVII.4(I)Dt. 02-04-2022 regarding Holiday on account of death anniversary of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, Ex Prime Minister of Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
bullet Notification No. Gaz/XVII.3(V)Dt. 20-01-2022 regarding public and optional Holidays
bullet Notification No. Gaz/XVII.4(I)Dt. 23-12-2021 regarding Holiday on account of death anniversary of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto.
bullet Notification dated: 11th December 2021 (Winter Vacations)
bullet Notification No: Gaz/XVII.4(I) Dated: 20 Sept 2021 regarding Holiday on the occasion of Urs of Hazrat Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai (R.A)
bullet Notification No.GAZ/XVII.3(v) dated: 19th July 2021 - Eid-ul-Azha Holidays.

Notification dated: 19th May 2021 (Annual Summer Vacations - Sindh High Court) -

Notification dated: 21st May 2021 (Annual Summer Vacation - District Courts) -

bullet Notification No.GAZ/XVII.3(v) dated: 8th May 2021 - Eid-ul-Fitr Holidays.
bullet Notification dt. 11th December, 2020 Regarding Winter Vacation
bullet Notification No: Gaz/XVII.4(I) Dated: 01 Oct 2020 regarding Holiday on the occasion of Urs of Hazrat Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai (R.A).
bullet The Hon'ble Chief Justice, High Court of Sindh has been pleased to declare 03rd August (Monday) as public holiday for High Court of Sindh@Karachi, its Bench at Sukkur and Circuit Courts at Hyderabad & Larkana and subordinate Courts to it in the Province on account of Eid-ul-Azha.
bullet Notification No.Gaz/XVII.3(v) Dated: 20th May 2020 regarding Eid-ul-Fitr Holidays
bullet Notification No.GAZ/XVII.3(v) dated 15th Jan., 2020, regarding Public holidays during the Calendar year 2020
bullet Notification No.GAZ/XVII.4(I) dated 26th December 2019, regarding Public holiday due to Death Anniversary of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto, Ex-Prime Minister of Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
bullet Notification dt. 13th December, 2019 Regarding Winter Vacation
bullet Notification No.Gaz/XVII.3(v) Dated: 9th August 2019 regarding Eid-ul-Azha Holidays
bullet Notification No.Gaz/XVII.3(v) Dated: 01st June 2019 regarding Eid-ul-Fitr Holidays
bullet Notification No. Gaz/XVII.13, dated: 15 May 2019 regarding Summer Vacations
bullet Notification No: Gaz/IV.A.5/2(i)(Pt) Dated: 3rd May 2019 regarding Ramzan Timings High Courts of Sindh at Karachi , its Bench at Sukkur and Circuit Court Hyderabad and Larkana and District & Subordinate 2019
bullet Notification Dated: 2nd April 2019 regarding Holiday on occasion of 40th death anniversary of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, Ex-Prime Minister of Islamic Republic of Pakistan
bullet Notification No: Gaz/XVII.4(i) dated: 1st Feb 2019 regarding Holiday on Kashmir Solidarity Day.
bullet Notification dt. 13th December, 2018 Regarding Winter Vacation
bullet Notification No.Gaz/XVII.4(I) Karachi Dated the 22nd October 2018 regarding Holiday on 24th October 2018 on the occasion of Urs of Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai(R.A)
bullet Notification No.Gaz/XVII.3(v) Karachi Dated the 19th September 2018 regarding Holiday on 20th and 21st Septmber due to occasion of Ashura
bullet Notification No.Gaz/XVII.3(v) Dated: 18th August 2018 regarding Eid-ul-Uzhah Holidays
bullet Notification No.Gaz/XVII.3(v) Dated: 14th June 2018 regarding Eid-ul-Fitr Holidays
bullet Notification No: Gaz/IV.A.5/2(i)(Pt) Dated: 14 May 2018 regarding Timings during the month of Ramzan-ul-Mubarak 1439 Hijri
bullet Notification No: Gaz/XVII-1(ii) dated: 14 May 2018 regarding Annual Summer Vacation {All Civil Courts,Original and Appellate Sub-ordinate to the High Court of Sindh}
bullet Summer Vacation Schedule 2018 {High Court of Sindh , its Bench at Sukkur and Circuit Courts at Hyderabad and Larkana.}
bullet Notification No.Gaz/XVII.4(i) regarding declaration of 27th December, 2017 (Wednesday) as Holiday for High Court of Sindh (Principal Seat, Bench and Circuit Courts) and Civil & Sessions Court in Sindh as well as Federal and Provincial Tribunals/Special Courts on account of death anniversary of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto
bullet Notification No.Gaz/XVII.4(I) regarding declaration of 4th November, 2017 (Saturday) as holiday for High Court of Sindh (Principal Seat, Bench and Circuit Courts) and Civil & Sessions Court in Sindh as well as Federal and Provincial Tribunals/Special Courts on the occasion of Urs of Hazrat Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai (R.A)
bullet Notification No.GAZ/XVII.3(v) regarding Eid-ul-Azha Holidays w.e.f 01st to 04th September, 2017
bullet Notification No.GAZ/XVII.3(v) regarding Eid ul Fitr Holidays w.e.f 24th to 28th June, 2017
bullet Notification No.GAZ/XVII.4(I) regarding Holiday on 4th April 2017, due to 38th Death Anniversary of Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, Ex-Prime Minister of Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
bullet Notification No: GAZ/XVII.3(v) dated: 6th February,2017 Regarding Holidays
bullet Notification No.GAZ/XVII.3(I)(IV) Karachi dated 19th Dec, 2016 regarding Winter Vacations 2016
bullet Notification No.GAZ/XVII.4(i) dated 11th November 2016, regarding Holiday due to Ocassion of Urs of Hazrat Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai (R.A).
bullet Notification No.GAZ/XVII.3(V) regarding Ashura Holidays 2016.
bullet Notification No.GAZ/XVII.3(V) regarding Eid-ul-Azha Holidays 2016.
bullet Notification No. Gaz./XVII.4(I) Karachi, dated: 21-03-2016, "HOLI" Religious Festival of Hindu Community declared as Holiday
bullet 26th Dec 2015 is declared as Holiday as declared by Hon'ble Supreme Court of Pakistan
bullet Notification No.GAZ/XVII.4(i), Karachi dated 23rd Dec 2015 regarding 26th Dec 2015 is declared as Holiday as declared by Hon'ble Supreme Court of Pakistan
bullet Notification No.GAZ/XVII.4(i), Karachi dated 17th November 2015 regarding Election Polling Day 2015.
bullet Notification No.GAZ/XVII.3(iv), Karachi dated 14th July 2015 regarding Eid-ul-Fitr Holidays 2015.
bullet Notification No.GAZ/IV.A.5/2(i) Karachi dated 13th June 2015 regarding Ramzan-ul-Mubarak Timings 2015.
bullet Notification No.GAZ/XVII 13 Karachi dated 24th April 2015 regarding Summer Vacations 2015
bullet Notification No.GAZ/XVII.4(I) dated 26th December 2014, regarding Public holiday due to Death Anniversary of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto, Ex-Prime Minister of Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
bullet Notification dated 03rd April 2014 Regarding Death Anniversary of Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto .
bullet Notification dated 11th Jan 2014 Regarding Eid Milad un Nabi (SAW) Holidays.
bullet Notification No.GAZ/XVII.4(I) dated 26th December 2013, regarding Public holiday due to Death Anniversary of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto, Ex-Prime Minister of Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
bullet Notification No.REG/SHC/P.A, regarding Public Holiday due to General Elections 2013 on Friday 10th May 2013
bullet Notification No.GAZ/XVII.4(I) regarding Public holiday due to Death Anniversary of Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, Ex-Prime Minister of Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
bullet Notification No.Gaz/XVII.3 (iv) Karachi dated: the 6th November 2015.
bullet Notification No.GAZ/XVII.3(IV) regarding Eid-ul-Azha Holidays 2014.
bullet Notification No.GAZ/XVII.3(IV) regarding Eid-ul-Azha Holidays.
bullet Notification No.GAZ/XII.4(I) regarding Eid Milad un Nabi (SAW) Holidays.
bullet Notification No.GAZ/XVII.3(V), dated: 22-11-2012 (Holiday Notification of dated 23rd November, 2012)
bullet Endt No.84/Conf./Tr(DJ)2025 Karachi Dated 21-February-2025 regarding Transfer and posting of Mr. Mahboob Ali Dayo, District & Sessions Judge. New
bullet Notification No.72/Conf./Tr(ADJ)/2025 dated 11-02-2025 regarding transfers & postings of Additional District & Sessions Judges. New
bullet Notification No.GAZ/Appointment/R.O/LRC dated 11-02-2025 regarding transfer of Civil Judges & Judicial Magistrates (BPS-18) and post them as Research Officers (BPS-18) at Legal Research Cell of this Court.New
bullet No.Gaz/VI.Z-17(3)(C) dated 01-02-2025 regarding Transfer and Posting of Judicial Officers.New
bullet Endt No.56/Conf./Tr(ADJ)2025 dated 30-01-2025 regarding Transfer and Posting of Mr. Naveed Asghar Shaikh, Additional District & Sessions Judge.New
bullet Notification No. 697/Conf./Tr(JO)2024 dated 23-12-2024 Regarding Transfer Posting of Judicial Officers.
bullet Notification No. 691/Conf/Tr(Sr.CJ) 2024 Karachi dated 14-12-2024 Regarding Transfer and Postings of Judicial Officers.
bullet No.626/Conf./Tr(ADJ)2024 Karachi Dated 07-11-2024 regarding Posting of Mr. Noor Muhammad Kalmati Additional District and Sessions Judge as Faculty Member Sindh Judicial Academy.
bullet No.619/Conf:(Tr)(ADJ)/2024 Karachi dated 05-11-2024 regarding Transfer and Postings of Additional District and Sessions Judges.
bullet Notification No.612/Conf/Ec-Cadre Karachi dated 31-10-2024 regarding new assignments for District and Sessions Judges.
bullet Letter No: 609/Conf./Tr(ADJ)/2024 Dated: 31-10-2024, Karachi regarding transfer & posting of Additional District and Sessions Judges.
bullet Letter No: 607/Conf./Tr(JO)/2024 Dated: 30-10-2024 Karachi, regarding posting of Mrs. Ena Junejo, Additional District and Sessions Judges.
bullet Letter No: 581/Conf./Tr(ADJ)/2024 Karachi, Dated: 29-10-2024 - Transfer & posting of Additional District and Sessions Judges.
bullet Letter No: 583/Conf./Tr(ADJ)/2024 Dated: 29-10-2024, Karachi regarding transfer & posting of Senior Civil Judges.
bullet Notification No.546/Conf/Tr(DJ)2024 Karachi Dated: 15th Oct, 2024 - Transfer Mr. Ashok Kumar Dodeeja, District & Sessions Judge, post him as District & Sessions Judge, Tharparkar @ Mithi
bullet Notification No.509/Conf/Tr(Sr.CJ)2024 Karachi Dated: 08th Oct, 2024 - Posting of Senior Civil Judge.
bullet Notification No.492/Conf/Tr(ADJ)2024 Dated: 3rd Oct, 2024 Regarding Transfer & Posting of Additional District & Sessions Judges.
bullet Notification No.487/Conf/Tr(Dj)2024 Dated: 1st Oct, 2024 Regarding Transfer & Posting of District & Sessions Judges.
bullet Notification No.219/Conf:(Tr)(CJ&JM)/2024 Karachi Dated: 3rd June, 2024 Regarding Transfers & Postings of Civil Judges & Judicial Magistrates.
bullet Notification No.212/Conf/(Tr)(CJ/JM)/2024) Karachi Dated: 29th May, 2024 Regarding Transfers & Postings of Civil Judges & Judicial Magistrates.
bullet Notification No.Gaz/VI.Z-17(3)(C) Karachi Dated: 14th May, 2024 Regarding Transfers & Postings of Judicial Officers.
bullet Notification No.188/Conf/Tr(DJ)2024 Dated: 09th May, 2024 Regarding Transfers & Postings of District & Sessions Judges.
bullet Notification No.186/Conf/Tr(ADJ)2024 Dated: 08th May, 2024 regarding Transfers & Postings of Additional District & Sessions Judges.
bullet Notification No.176/Conf/Tr(JO)2024 Dated: 26th Apr, 2024 regarding Transfers & Postings of Judicial Officers..
bullet Notification No.169/Conf/Tr(DJ)2024 Dated: 24th Apr, 2024 regarding Transfers & Postings of District & Sessions Judges.
bullet Notification No. 114/Conf./Tr(JO)2024 Dated: 5th March, 2024 regarding transfers and postings of Judicial Officers.
bullet Notification No. 105/Conf./Tr(DJ)2024 Dated: 2nd Mar., 2024 regarding transfers and postings of District & Sessions Judge.
bullet Notification No. 4/Conf./Tr(DJ)2024 Dated: 7th February, 2024 regarding transfer posting of District & Sessions Judge.
bullet No. 05/Conf:(Tr)(CJ&JM)/2024 Karachi Dated: 18th January 2024 Regarding Transfers and Postings of Civil Juges Judicial Magistrates.
bullet No. 559/Conf:(Tr)(DJ)/2023 Karachi Dated: 29th December 2023 Regarding Transfer and Postings of Judicial Officer..
bullet No. 559/Conf:(Tr)(JO)/2023 Karachi Dated: 22nd December 2023 Regarding Transfer and Postings of Judicial Officers..
bullet No. 543/Conf:(Tr)(JO)/2023 Karachi Dated: 29th November 2023 Regarding Transfer and Postings of Judicial Officers..
bullet No.508/Conf:(Tr)(DJ)/2023 Karachi Dated 26th October 2023 Regarding transfer and postings of the District & Sessions Judges.
bullet Notification No.488/Conf:(Tr)(ADJ)/2023 Dated 16th October 2023 Regarding Posting of Judicial Officer Mr. Muhammad Tahir Rajput as Additional Registrar, High Court of Sindh, Circuit Court, Mirpurkhas (BPS-20) against the post lying vacant.
bullet Notification No.Gaz/Vi.Z-17(3)(C) Dated 16th October 2023 Regarding Transfer and Posting of Officers of SHC.
bullet Notification No.469/Conf:(Tr)(JO)/2023 Dated 14th October 2023 Regarding Transfer and Postings of Judicial Officers.
bullet Notification No.457/Conf:(Tr)(JO)/2023 Dated 11th October 2023 Regarding Transfer and Postings of Judicial Officers.
bullet Notification No.420/Conf:(Tr)(SCJ/ASJ)/2023 Dated 27th September 2023 Regarding Transfer and Postings of Senior Civil Judges/Assistant Sessions Judges
bullet Notification No.416/Conf:(Tr)(SCJ/ASJ)/2023 Dated 26th September 2023 Regarding Transfer of Ms. Samina Iqbal, Senior Civil Judges-VI, Karachi (South) and direct her to report to High Court.
bullet Notification No.413/Conf:(Tr)(SCJ/ASJ)/2023 Dated 25th September 2023 Regarding Transfer and Postings of Senior Civil Judges/Assistant Sessions Judges.
bullet Notification No.388/Tr/Conf/DJ/2023 Dated 18th September 2023 Regarding Transfer and Postings of District and Sessions Judges.
bullet Notification No.360 Conf(Tr)(CJ)2023 Dated 9th September 2023 Regarding Transfer and Postings of Civil Judges and Judicial Magistreates
bullet Notification No.349 Conf(Tr)(ADJ)2023 Dated 28th August 2023 Regarding Transfer and Postings of Additional District and Sessions Judges
bullet Notification No.320 Conf(Tr)(CJ/JM)2023 Dated 25th August 2023 Regarding Transfer and Postings of Civil Judges and Judicial Magistrates
bullet Notification No. 295/CONF/(Tr)(JO)/2023 Dated: 24th July, 2023 Regarding Transfer and Postings of Judicial Officers
bullet Notification No. 297/CONF/(Tr)(DJ)/2023 Dated: 24th July, 2023 Regarding Transfer and Postings of District and Sessions Judges
bullet Notification No. 293/CONF/(Tr)(Adj)/2023 Dated: 19th July, 2023 regarding transfer of Mr. Sohail Pervaiz Qureshi, Additional District & Sessions Judge, Karachi(Central) and report to High Court
bullet Notification No.246/Conf.Tr(CJ)2023 Karachi dated:16-05-2023 regarding Transfers & Postings of Civil Judges & Judicial Magistrates.
bullet Notification No.217/Conf.Tr(ADJ)2023 Karachi dated:29-04-2023 regarding Transfer & reporting of Ms. Ena Junejo, Additional District & Sessions Judge.
bullet Notification No.214/Conf.Tr(DJ)2023 Karachi dated:19-04-2023 regarding Posting of Mr. Abdul Ghani Soomro, District & Sessions Judge.
bullet Notification No.173 Conf(Tr)(ADJ)2023 Karachi dated:27-03-2023 regarding Transfers & Postings of Additional District & Sessions Judges.
bullet Notification No.137 Conf(Tr)(DJ)2023 Karachi dated:06-03-2023 regarding Posting of Mr. Rehmatullah, District & Sessions Judge.
bullet Notification No.135 Conf(Tr)(JO)2023 Karachi dated:03-03-2023 regarding Transfer and Postings of Judicial Officers.
bullet Notification No.128 Conf(Tr)(CJ&JM)2023 Karachi dated:24-02-2023 regarding Transfer and Postings of Civil Judges and Judicial Magistrates.
bullet Notification No. 118/Conf./Tr/(DJ)/2023 Karachi dated:14-02-2023 regarding Posting of Mr. Allah Bachayo, District & Sessions Judge, on his promotion.
bullet Notification No. 103/Conf/Tr/(AD & SJ)/2023 Karachi dated:03-02-2023 regarding Transfer and Postings of Additional District & Sessions Judges.
bullet Notification No. 101/Conf/Tr/(SCJ/ASJ)/2023 Karachi dated:03-02-2023 regarding Transfer and Postings of Senior Civil Judges and Assistant Sessions Judges.
bullet Notification No.99/CONF/Tr/DJ/2023 karachi dated:03-02-2023 Posting of Mr. Abdul Qudoos Memon , As District & Sessions Judge Ghotki.
bullet Notification No. 499/Conf/Tr/DJ/2022 Karachi dated:17-11-2022 regarding Transfer and Postings of District & Sessions Judge, Tando Muhammad Khan.
bullet Notification No. 450/Conf/Tr/JO/2022 Karachi dated:18-10-2022 regarding Transfer and Postings of Judicial Officers with immediate effect.
bullet Transfer and Postings of Civil Judges & Judicial Magistrates dated:30-09-2022.
bullet Notification No.427/Conf./Tr(ADJ)2022 Karachi dated:15-09-2022 Transfer and Postings of Additional District & Sessions Judge-III, Shikarpur.
bullet Notification No.425/CONF/Ex-Cadre Karachi dated:15-09-2022 New Assignement for Ms. Naushaba Kazi, District & Sessions Judge, As Judge, Banking Court-lll, Karachi.
bullet Notification No.417/Tr(CJ)2022 Karachi dated:08-09-2022 Transfer and Postings of Civil Judges and Judicial Magistrates.
bullet Notification No.389/Tr(DJ)2022 Karachi dated:05-09-2022 Transfer of Mr. Abdul Waheed Shaikh, District & Sessions Judge.
bullet Notification No.351/CONF/Tr/JO/2022 karachi dated:06-08-2022 Posting of Judicial Officers.
bullet Notification No.347/CONF/Tr/DJ/2022 karachi dated:30-07-2022 Posting of Mr. Abdul Ghafoor Kalhoro, As District & Sessions Judge Jacobabad.
bullet Notification No.323/CONF/Tr/DJ/2022 karachi dated:30-06-2022 Transfers and Postings of District & Sessions Judges.
bullet Notification No.325/CONF/Tr/CJ/2022 karachi dated:30-06-2022 Transfer of Mr.Hamad Zahid, Civil Judge and Judicial Magistrate.
bullet Notification No.257/CONF/(Tr)(JO)/2022 karachi dated:07-06-2022 Transfer and Postings of Judicial Officers.
bullet Notification No.209/Conf:(Tr)(ADJ/SR.C.J/C.J)/2022 dated:16-05-2022 Regarding Transfer & Posting of Judicial Officers.
bullet Notification No.200/Conf/Tr/DJ/2022 dated:11-05-2022 Regarding Transfers & Postings of District & Sessions Judges.
bullet Notification No.184/Conf/Tr/DJ/2021 dated:18-04-2022 Regarding Transfers & Postings of District & Sessions Judges.
bullet Notification No.104/Conf/Tr/SCJ/2021 dated:08-03-2022 Regarding Transfer & Postings.
bullet Notification No.83/Conf/Tr/CJJM/2022 dated:01-03-2022 Regarding Transfer & Postings of Civil Judges & Judicial Magistrates
bullet Notification dated:15-12-2021 Regarding Transfer of District & Sessions Judges,Tando Muhammad Khan.
bullet Notification dated:25-09-2021 Regarding Transfer & Postings of Additional District & Sessions Judges
bullet Notification No. 265/Conf:(Tr)(ADJ)/2021 dated:17-09-2021 Regarding Transfer & Postings of Additional District & Sessions Judge
bullet Notification No.253/Conf/Tr/CJJM/2021 dated:01-09-2021 Regarding Transfer & Postings of Civil Judges & Judicial Magistrates
bullet Notification No.230/Conf:(Tr)(SCJ)/2021 dated: 13th Aug 2021 - Transfer and Posting of Senior Civil Judge
bullet Notification No.202/Conf/Tr/ADJ/2021 dated: 05th July 2021 - Posting of Additional District & Sessions Judge
bullet Notification No.162/Conf/Tr/DJ/2021 dated: 04th June 2021 - Transfer and Posting
bullet Notification No./55/Conf:(Tr)(CJ)/2021 dated: 02nd June 2021 - Transfer
bullet Notification No.144/Conf:(Tr)(CJJM)/2021 dated: 18th May 2021 - Transfer & Posting of Civil Judges & Judicial Magistrates
bullet Notification No.111/Conf:(Tr)(SCJ)2021 dated: 13th April 2021 Transfers and Postings of Senior Civil / Assistant Session Judges
bullet Notification No.107/Conf:(Tr)(SCJ)2021 dated: 08th April 2021 Transfers and Postings of Senior Civil / Assistant Session Judges
bullet Notification No.62/Conf:(Tr)(ADJ)2021 dated: 08th Mar 2021 Transfers and Postings of Additional District & Sessions Judges
bullet Notification No.57/Conf:(Tr)(DJ)2021 dated: 01st Mar 2021 Posting of District & Sessions Judge,Shaheed Benazirabad
bullet Notification No.52/Con/Tr(DJ)2021 dated: 18th Feb 2021 Posting of District & Sessions Judge
bullet Notification No.Gaz/VI.Z7(3) dated: 8th Jan 2021 Posting of Senior Civil Judge
bullet Notification No.417/Conf:(Tr)(CJ&JM)/2020 dated: 04 December 2020 Transfer & Posting of CJ&JM.
bullet Notification No.360/Conf/(Tr)(Sr.CJ)/2020 Dated 07/10/2020 regarding transfer and posting of Senior Civil Judges/Assistant Sessions Judges.
bullet Notification No. 273/Conf/(Tr)(D&SJ)/2020 Dated 05/08/2020 regarding posting of Mr. Munir Buksh Bhutto, District & Sessions Judge.
bullet Notification No. 241/Conf/(Tr)(D&SJ)/2020 Dated 16/07/2020 regarding posting of Mr. Tariq Mehmood Khoso , District & Sessions Judge.
bullet Notification No.213/Conf:(Tr)(D&SJ)/2020 dated 12th June 2020, regarding Transfers and Postings of District & Sessions Judges.
bullet Notification No.146/Conf/Ex-Cadre/ATC dated 26th Mar 2020, regarding Movement Order for Mr. Altaf Hussain Dayo, Additional District and Sessions Judge.
bullet Notification No.149/Conf/Ex-Cadre/D&SJ/NAB dated 26th Mar 2020, regarding Movement Order for Mr. Abdul Ghani Soomro and Ms. Sher Bano karim, District & Sessions Judges.
bullet Notification No.132/Conf:(Tr)(ADJ)/2020 dated 17th Mar 2020, regarding Transfers and Postings of Additional District & Sessions Judges.
bullet Notification No.110/Conf:(Tr)(CJJM)/2020 dated 5th Mar., 2020, regarding Transfers and Postings of Mr. Abdul Wajid Rahujo, Civil Judge and Judicial Magistrate.
bullet Notification No.108/Conf:(Tr)(Sr.CJ)/2020 dated 5th Mar., 2020, regarding Transfers and Postings of Mr. Muhammad Ayoob Bhatti and Mr Muhamamd Tahir, Senior Civil Judges.
bullet Notification No.99/Conf:(Tr)(ADJ)/2020 dated 24th Feb., 2020, regarding Transfer and Postings of Mr. Suhrab Khan Brohi and Mr. Maqbool Ahmed Memon, Additional District and Sessions Judges.
bullet Notification No.627/Conf:(Tr)(CJ&JM)/2019 dated: 12 December 2019 Transfer and Postings of CJ&JM.
bullet Notification No.606/Conf:(Tr)(CJ&JM)/2019 dated: 27 November 2019 Transfer and Postings of CJ&JM.
bullet Notification No.597/Conf:(Tr)(ADJ)/2019 dated: 25th November 2019 regarding Transfer & Posting of Additional District Judges.
bullet Notification No.513/Conf.Tr(ADJ) dated: 17th October 2019 Transfers and Posting of Additional District & Sessions Judegs , Mr. Jalaluddin Soomro and Mr. Muhammad Zafar Hussain.
bullet Notification No.499/Conf:Inter-Distt.Tr(C.J)/2019 dated: 07th October 2019 Transfers and Posting of Civil Judge and Judicial Magistrate , Mr. Muhammad Ashraf Dahraj and Mr. Kamran Ali Shah.
bullet Notification No.457/Conf:Tr(C.J)/2019 dated: 26th September 2019 Transfers and Posting of Civil Judge and Judicial Magistrate, Ms. Kalsoom Mustafa Sahito.
bullet Notification No. 436/Conf:Inter-Distt.Tr(C.J)/2019 dated: 23rd Sep.,2019 regarding Transfer and Posting of Mr. Yasir Arafat Seelro.
bullet Notification No.329/Conf/(Tr)/(D&SJ)/2019 dated: 04th July 2019 Transfers and Postings of District & Sessions Judges
bullet Notification No.317/Conf/(Tr)/(D&SJ)/2019 dated: 19th June 2019 Transfers and Postings of District & Sessions Judges
bullet Notification No.307/Conf/Tr/ADJ/2019 dated: 01st June 2019 Transfer and Postings of AD&SJ.
bullet Notification No.267/Conf/Tr/ADJ/2019 dated: 17th May 2019 Transfer and Postings of D&SJ.
bullet Notification No.263/Conf/Tr/ADJ/2019 dated: 14th May 2019 Transfer and Postings of ADJ.
bullet Notification No.229/Conf/Tr/Sr CJ/CJ&JM/2019 dated: 26th April 2019 Transfer and Postings of Sr CJ and CJ&JM.
bullet Notification No.211/Conf/Tr/D&SJ/2019 dated: 11 April 2019 Transfer and Postings of D&SJ.
bullet Notification No.213/Conf/Tr/CJ&JM/2019 dated: 11 April 2019 Transfer and Postings of CJ&JM.
bullet Notification No.191/Conf/Tr/CJ&JM/2019 dated: 2nd April 2019 Transfer and Postings of CJ&JM.
bullet Notification No.181/Conf:(Tr)(ADJ)/2019 dated: 26th March 2019 Transfer and Postings of Additional District & Sessions Judges.
bullet Notification No.172/Conf:(Tr)(ADJ)/2019 dated: 19th March 2019 Transfer and Postings of Additional District & Sessions Judges.
bullet Notification No.164/Conf:(Tr)(ADJ)/2019 dated: 18th March 2019 Transfer and Postings of Additional District & Sessions Judges.
bullet Notification No: 162/Conf:(Tr)(CJ&jm)/2019 Dt. 15 Mar2019
bullet Notification No: 33/Conf:(Tr)(CJ)/C.P.Court Dt. 12 Jan 2019
bullet Notification No: 02/Conf:(Tr)(ADJ/SR.C.J/C.J/2019 Dt. 01 Jan 2019.
bullet Notification No: 111/Conf:(Tr)(CJJM)/2019 dated: 18th Feb 2019 Transfer and Postings of Civil Judges & Judicial Magistrates.
bullet Notification No: 33/Conf:(Tr)(CJ)/C.P.Court Dt. 12 Jan 2019 regarding transfers and postings of CJ & JM(s)
bullet Notification No:02/Conf:(Tr)(ADJ / SR.C.J/ C.J)2019 Dated: 07th January 2019 regarding transfers and postings of ADJ(s) / Sr.C.J(s) / CJ & JM(s)
bullet Notification # 508/Conf:(Tr)(CJ&JM)2018 Dated: 07th August 2018 regarding Transfer of Ms. Ume Farwa,Civil Judge & Judicial Magistrate
bullet Notification No: 423/CONF/Tr(DJ)2018 Dated: 31st May 2018 regarding Transfer of Syed Zulfiqar Ali Shah, District & Sessions Judge
bullet Notification No: 390/CONF/Tr(DJ)2018 Dated: 19th May 2018 regarding Transfer of Mr. Farooque Ahmed Abbasi, District & Sessions Judge
bullet Notification No: 388/CONF/Ex-Cdr/DSJ/2018 Dated: 18th May 2018 regarding Mr. Abdul Karim Ansari, District and Sessions Judge
bullet Order no: 369/Conf(Ex-Cadre)(D&SJ)/2018 dated: 08 May 2018. Mr. Ghulam Mustafa Memon , District & Sessions Judge join his new assignment as Judge , Special Court (COntrol of Narcotics Substtances-I Karachi.
bullet Notification No. 305/CONF:(Tr)(CJ & JM)/2018 regarding transfer and posting of Civil Judges & Judicial Magistrates
bullet Notification No. 265/CONF:(Tr)(D&SJ)/2018 regarding transfer and posting of District & Sessions Judges
bullet Notification No. 261/CONF:(Tr)(D&SJ)/2018 regarding transfer and posting of District & Sessions Judges
bullet Notification No. 205/CONF:(Ex-Cdr)(D&SJ)/2018 regarding transfer and posting of District & Sessions Judges
bullet Notification No. 196/CONF:(Tr)(D&SJ)/2018 regarding transfer and posting of District & Sessions Judges
bullet Notification No. 178/CONF:(Ex-Cdr)(D&SJ)/2018 regarding transfer and posting of Mr. Abdul Ghafoor Kalhoro District & Sessions Judge
bullet Notification No. 167/CONF:(Ex-Cdr)(D&SJ)/2018 regarding transfer and posting of Mr. Syed Shakel Hyder District & Sessions Judge
bullet Notification No. 152/CONF:(Tr)(ADJ)/2018 regarding transfers and postings of Additional District & Sessions Judges
bullet Notification No. 128/CONF/(Tr)(D-j)/2018 regarding transfer of Mr. Ashok Kumar Dodeeja, District & Sessions Judge Dadu, and report to High Court
bullet Notification dated 24.01.2018 regarding Transfer and Postings of Officers of Sindh High Court
bullet Notification No. 1191/Conf:(Tr)(CJ&JM)/2017 regarding transfers and postings of Civil Judge & Judicial Magistrates
bullet Notification No.1107/Conf:(Tr)(C.J)/2017 dated 02-Nov-2017 regarding Transfers and Postings of Civil Judges and Judicial Magistrates
bullet Notification No.1094/Conf:(Tr)(ADJ)/2017 dated 28-Oct-2017 regarding Transfer and Posting of Additional District & Sessions Judge
bullet Notification No.1075/Conf:(Tr)(C.J)/2017 dated 26-Oct-2017 regarding Transfer and Posting of Civil Judge and Judicial Magistrate
bullet Notification No.1039/Conf:(Tr)(D&SJ)/2017 dated 18-Oct-2017 regarding Transfers and Postings of District & Sessions Judges
bullet Notification No.986/Conf:(Tr)(D&SJ)/2017 dated 05-Oct-2017 regarding Transfers and Postings of District & Sessions Judges
bullet Notification No.988/Conf:(Tr)(ADJ)/2017 dated 05-Oct-2017 regarding Transfers and Postings of Additional District & Sessions Judges
bullet Notification No.935/Conf:(Tr)(C.J)/2017 dated 18-Sep-2017 regarding Posting of Civil Judge & Judicial Magistrate-XVI, Karachi-East
bullet Notification No.899/Conf:(Tr)(ADJ)/2017 dated 11-Sep-2017 regarding Transfers and Postings of Additional District & Sessions Judges
bullet Notification No.895/Conf:(Tr)(CJ&JM)/2017 dated 08-Sep-2017 regarding Transfers and Postings of Civil Judges & Judicial Magistrates
bullet Notification No.893/Conf:(Tr)(D&SJ)/2017 dated 08-Sep-2017 regarding Transfers and Postings of District & Sessions Judges
bullet Notification No.811/Conf:(Tr)(ADJ)/2017 dated 26-Jul-2017 regarding Transfers and Postings of Additional District & Sessions Judges
bullet Notification No.813/Conf:(Tr)(CJ)/2017 dated 26-Jul-2017 regarding Transfers and Postings of Civil Judge & Judicial Magistrates
bullet Notification No.815/Conf:(Tr)(SCJ)/2017 dated 26-Jul-2017 regarding Transfers and Postings of Senior Civil Judges
bullet No: 729/Conf:(Tr)/A.D.J/2017 Karachi dated 15th June 2017 ragarding Transfer and Posting of Mr. Ashique Ali Ghouri, ADJ
bullet No: 671/Conf:(Tr)/S.C.J/2017 Karachi dated 31st May 2017 ragarding Transfer and Postings of Senior Civil Judges
bullet Notification No: 567/Conf.(Tr)(JO)/2017 Dated:10th May,2017 Transfer and Posting of Mr Zulfiqar Ali Shahikh, ADJ
bullet Notification No: 567/Conf.(Tr)(JO)/2017 Dated:10th May,2017 Transfer and Posting of Mr Awais Ahmed , ADJ
bullet Notification No: 512/Conf.(Tr)(CJJM)/2017 Dated:28th April,2017 Regarding Transfer of Miss Shahana, CJJM
bullet Notification No: 510/Conf.(Tr)(JO)/2017 Dated:28th April,2017 Regarding Transfer of Mr. Tasawar Ali SCJ
bullet Notification No: 495/Conf.(Tr)(DJ)/2017 Dated:26th April,2017 Regarding Posting of Mr. Jamshed Ali Awan, ADJ as DJ on his promotion
bullet Notification No: 497/Conf.(Tr)(DJ)/2017 Dated:26th April,2017 Regarding Transfer and Posting of Mr. Muhammad Bux Bhangwar DJ
bullet Notification No: 488/Conf.(Tr)(DJ)/2017 Dated:25th April,2017 Regarding Posting of Ashok Kumar Dodeeja, ADJ as DJ on his promotion
bullet Notification No: 435/Conf.(Tr)(ADJ)/2017 dated:20th April,2017 Regarding Transfer and Posting of ADJ's
bullet Notification No: 419/CONF.(Tr)(DJ)/2017 dated:19th April,2017 Regarding Transfer & Posting of DJ as MIT-I
bullet Notification No: 347/CONF.(Tr)(ADJ)/2017 dated:14th April,2017 Regarding Transfer & Posting of ADJ
bullet Notification No: 329/CONF.(Tr)(SCJ)/2017 dated:13th April,2017 Regarding Transfer & Posting of SCJ
bullet Notification No: 327/CONF.(Tr)(ADJ&SC)/2017 dated:13th April,2017 Regarding Transfer & Posting of Judicial Officers
bullet Letter No: 285/CONF.(Ex-Cdr)(D&SJ)/2017 dated:10th April,2017 Regarding Transfer & Posting of D&SJ
bullet Letter No: 275/CONF.(Ex-Cdr)(D&SJ)/2017 dated:10th April,2017 Regarding Transfer & Posting of D&SJ
bullet Letter No: 273/CONF.(Ex-Cdr)(D&SJ)/2017 dated:10th April,2017 Regarding Transfer & Posting of D&SJ
bullet Letter No: 271/CONF.(Ex-Cdr)(D&SJ)/2017 dated:10th April,2017 Regarding Transfer & Posting of D&SJ
bullet Letter No: 262/CONF.(Tr)(CJ)/2017 dated:8th April,2017 Regarding Transfer & Posting of CJJM
bullet Letter No: 250/CONF.(Tr)(DJ)/2017 dated:3rd April,2017 Regarding Transfer & Posting of D.J's
bullet Letter No: 254/CONF.(Tr)(Sr.CJ)/2017 dated:3rd April,2017 Regarding Transfer & Posting of Senior Civil Judges
bullet Letter No: 252/CONF.(Tr)(CJ&JM)/2017 dated:22nd March,2017 Regarding Transfer Posting of Additioal District & Sessions Juges
bullet Letter No: 228/CONF.(Tr)(CJ&JM)/2017 dated:22nd March,2017 regarding Transfer of Mr. Shafqat Hussain Chhijan, Civil Judge & Judicial Magistrate
bullet Notification No.222/CONF(Tr)(AD&SJ)/2017, Dated: 18 March 2017, Regarding Transfer & Posting of AD&SJ.
bullet Notification No: 199/CONF(Tr)(CJ&JM)/2017 dated: 02nd March, 2017 regarding "Transfer & Postings of the Civil Judges & Judicial Magistrates"
bullet Notification No: 186/CONF(Tr)(CJ&JM)/2017 dated: 17th February, 2017 regarding "Transfer & Postings of the Civil Judges & Judicial Magistrates"
bullet Notification No.178/CONF(Ex-Cdr)(D&SJ)/2017 Karachi dated 14 Feb, 2017 regarding Transfer and Posting of D&SJ
bullet Notification No.176/CONF(Ex-Cdr)(D&SJ)/2017 Karachi dated 14 Feb, 2017 regarding Transfer and Posting of D&SJ
bullet Notification No.180/CONF(Tr)(AD&SJ)/2017 Karachi dated 14 Feb, 2017 regarding Transfer and Posting of AD&SJ
bullet Notification No.174/CONF(Tr)(CJJM)/2017 Karachi dated 14 Feb, 2017 regarding Transfer and Posting of CJ & JM
bullet Notification No.146/CONF(Tr)(JO)/2017 Karachi dated 07 Feb, 2017 regarding Transfer and Posting of CJ & JM
bullet Notification No: 116/CONF/(Tr)(CJ&JM)/2017 dated: 30th January,2017 Regarding "Tranfer Posting" of Mr. Imran-ul-Haq, Civil Judge & Judicial Magistrate.
bullet Notification No.14/CONF(Ex-Cdr)(D&SJ)/2017 Karachi dated 11 Jan, 2017 regarding Transfer and Posting of D&SJ
bullet Notification No.27/CONF(Ex-Cadre)(ADJ)/2017 Karachi dated 11 Jan, 2017 regarding Transfer and Posting of ADJ
bullet Notification No.01/CONF(Tr)(CJ&JM)/2017 Karachi dated 02 Jan, 2017 regarding Transfer and Posting of CJ & JM
bullet Notification No.1397/CONF(Tr)(SCJ&ASJ)/2016 Karachi dated 28 Dec, 2016 regarding Transfer and Posting of Senior Civil Judges & Assistant Sessions Judges
bullet Notification No.1395/CONF(Tr)(AD&SJ)/2016 Karachi dated 28 Dec, 2016 regarding Transfer of Mr. Zahid Hussain Maitlo, Additional District & Sessions Judge and Transfer of Pending cases
bullet Notification No:1350/CONF(TR) /ADJ/2016, dated: 17-12-2016
bullet Notification No: 1352/CONF(TR) /CJ&JM/2016, dated: 17-12-2016
bullet Notification No: 1297/CONF(TR)(AD & SJ)/2016, dated: 14-12-2016
bullet Notification No: 1299/CONF(TR)(SCJ & ASJ)/2016, dated: 14-12-2016
bullet Notification No: 1301/CONF(TR)(CJ & JM)/2016, dated: 14-12-2016
bullet Notification No: 1266/CONF(TR)(SCJ& ASJ)/2016, dated: 07-12-2016
bullet Notification No: 1255/CONF(TR)(D & SJ)/2016, dated: 30-11-2016
bullet Notification No: 1251/conf(TR)(DJ)/2016, dated: 29-11-2016
bullet Notification No: 1199/conf(TR)(CJ&JM)/2016, dated: 18-11-2016
Notification No: 1197/conf(TR)(SCJ&ASJ)/2016, dated: 18-11-2016
bullet Notification No: 1176/CONF(Tr)(Sr.C.J)/2016 dated: 8th November,2016
bullet Notification No: S.JUDL:9-5/2000/412 dated: 24th August,2016
bullet Notification No: S.JUDL:9-5/2000/443 dated: 21st September,2016
bullet Notification No: S.JUDL:9-5/2000/412 dated: 24th August,2016
bullet Notification No: 1168/CONF(Tr)(C.J)/2016 dated: 29th October,2016
bullet Order No: 1142/CONF/(TR)(ADJ)/2016 dated: 17th October,2016
bullet Order No: 1094/CONF/VI-Z-23(372) dated: 13th October,2016
bullet Notification No: 1086/CONF(Tr)(SCJ)/2016 dated: 06-10-2016
bullet Notification No: 1084/CONF(Tr)(CJ)/2016 dated: 06-10-2016
bullet Notification No: 993/CONF(Ex-Cadre)(ADJ)/2016 dated: 31/08/2016
bullet Notification No: 976/CONF(Tr)(CJJM)/2016 dated: 29/08/2016
bullet Order No: 974/CONF/VI-Z-23.454 dated: 29/08/2016
bullet Notification No: 956/CONF(Tr)(ADJ)/2016 dated: 23/08/2016
bullet Order related to the dismisal from service dated 16-08-2016
bullet Notification related to the Suspension of Judicial Officer dated: 15-8-2016

Notification related to the Transfer & Posting of SCJs dated 15-08-2016

bullet Notification No: 715/conf(Tr)(CJ & JM)2016 dated 28/06/2016
bullet Notification No: 695/conf(Tr)(SCJ)2016 dated 20/06/2016
bullet Notification No: 693/conf(Tr)(ADJ)2016 dated 18/06/2016 for Transfer/Posting
bullet Notification No: 691/conf(Tr)(CJ&JM)2016 dated 18/06/2016 for Transfer/Posting
bullet Notification No: 683/conf(Tr)(ADJ)2016 dated 13/06/2016 for Transfer/Posting
bullet Notification No: /conf(Tr)(ADJ)2016 dated 05/05/2016 for Transfer/Posting
bullet Order No: Conf:VI-Z-23(422), regarding suspension of Mr.Aijaz Ali Khaskheli (District & Session Judge) Karachi. dated: 08-04-2016
bullet Notification No: 381/conf(Tr)(DJ)2016 dated 29/03/2016 for Transfer/Posting
bullet Notification No: 371/conf(Tr)(ADJ)2016 dated 29/03/2016 for Transfer/Posting
bullet Notification No: 334/conf(Tr)(ADJ)2016 dated 16/03/2016 for Transfer/Posting
bullet Notification No: 322/conf(Tr)(SR.CJ)2016 dated 15/03/2016 for Transfer/Posting
bullet Notification No: 124/conf(Tr)(ADJ)2016 Transfer/Posting ADJ
bullet Notification No: 259/Conf:(Tr)(CJ&JM)/2016 related to the transfer & Posting of CJ&JM, dated: 29/02/2016
bullet Notification related to the transfer & Posting of CJ&JM, dated: 24/02/2016
bullet Notification related to the transfer & Posting of CJ&JM, dated: 27/01/2016
bullet Notification related to the transfer & Posting of ADJ, dated: 20/01/2016
bullet Notification related to the transfer & Posting of ADJ, dated: 07/01/2016
bullet Notification No: 08/ Conf: (Tr) (DJ)/2016 dated: 04-01-2016 related to the Transfer/Posting of DJs
bullet Order dated: 17-11-2015 related to the Transfer/Posting
bullet Notification related to the Transfer & Posting of SCJs dated: 17-11-2015
bullet Corrigendum related to the Transfer & Posting of Sr.CJ dated: 22-12-2015
bullet Corrigendum related to the Transfer & Posting of CJJM dated: 22-12-2015
bullet Notification related to the Transfer & Posting of ADJ dated: 21-12-2015
bullet Notification related to the Transfer & Posting of Sr.CJ dated: 21-12-2015
bullet Notification related to the Transfer & Posting of CJJM dated: 21-12-2015
bullet Notification related to the Transfer & Posting of ADJ dated: 02-12-2015
bullet Notification related to the Transfer & Posting of ADJ(s) dated: 01-12-2015
bullet Notification related to the Transfer & Posting of Sr.C.J(s) dated: 01-12-2015
bullet CORRIGENDUM No. 1481/Conf:(Tr)(ADJ)/2015, Dated: 21-11-2015
bullet CORRIGENDUM No. 1468/Conf:(Tr)(Sr.C.J.)/2015, Dated: 18-11-2015
bullet CORRIGENDUM No.1466/Conf:(Tr)(ADJ)/2015, Dated: 18-11-2015
bullet CORRIGENDUM No.1468/Conf:(Tr)ADJ)/2015 , Dated: 18-11-2015
bullet Notification related to the Transfer & Posting of Senior Civil Judges / Assistant Sessions Judges dated: 17-11-2015
bullet Notification related to the Transfer & Posting of Additional District & Sessions Judges dated: 17-11-2015
bullet Notification related to the Transfer & Posting of Additional Registrars dated: 13-11-2015
bullet Suspension order related to the CJ&JM, Nagarparkar dated: 20-10-2015
bullet Representation for Transfer of Judicial Officers.
bullet Notification related to the Transfer & Posting of DJ dated: 19-10-2015
bullet Notification related to the Transfer & Posting of ADJ dated: 19-10-2015
bullet CORRIGENDUM, Dated: 05-10-2015
bullet Notification related to the Transfer & Posting of DJ dated: 05-10-2015
bullet Notification related to the Transfer & Posting of DJs dated: 05-10-2015
bullet Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of CJJM dated 03-10-2015
bullet Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of DJs dated 02-10-2015
bullet Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of ADJs dated 02-10-2015
bullet Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of DJs dated 09-09-2015
bullet Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of DJs, ADJs dated 02-09-2015
bullet Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of CJJM dated: 02-09-2015
bullet Notification No: 757-755/Conf: (Tr) regarding Transfer/Posting of DJs & ADJs dated: 28th August 2015
bullet Notification No: 739/Conf: Viz-Z-23(356)DP regarding Transfer/Posting of ADJs & Penalties to CJ&JMs Dated: 26th August 2015
Foundation Stone Ceremony
bullet Circualr Dated: 23rd September, 2024 Regarding Foundation Stone Ceremony - Construction of residential complex for Officers / Officials of Sindh Hgh Court.
Time Scale
bullet No.Admi/TimeScale/ dated: 9th Aug 2021, Time Scale for Lower Grade SHC Staff
bullet Notification No.Gaz/Time Scale/A.R&CA dated: 27th March 2019 regarding Time Scale Upgradation.
Dress Code
bullet Circular No. HC/ADMI/00312 Dated. 10 Oct 2023, regarding Dress Code(Reminder).
Auto Attendance System-TIS
bullet Circular No.Admin/Circular/00312 Dated: 01st February,2014 regarding mark attendance on Auto Attendance Machine.
Re-Constitute Sindh Service Tribunal
bullet Order No.Gaz/IV.Z.17(A)(ii) Dated: 15th April,2013 regarding Re-Constitute Sindh Service Tribunal.
bullet Notification in respect of the Amendment in the Sindh Judicial Services Rules 1994
Re-Constitute Sindh Service Tribunal
bullet Order No.Gaz/IV.Z.17(A)(ii) Dated: 15th April,2013 regarding Re-Constitute Sindh Service Tribunal.
Functionalization of 2nd Phase of Affidavit & Identity Section
bullet Circular No. GAZ/SA/291 dated: 13th March 2013, regarding functionalization of 2nd Phase of Affidavit & Identity Section with immediate effect for all the Appellate Branches of the Court
Call for Expression of Interest
bullet Order No. Gaz/Recognition/ADR/4/2022 Dt. 08-02-2023 regarding publication of Notice for information and calling Expression of Interest of Mediation Centres.
bullet Call for Expression of Interest for Establishing State of Art Cafeteria, Courier Service Office & Law Books Shops at the premises of New Annexe Building High Court of Sindh, Karachi
bullet The Advertisement of Call for Expression of Interest is published in daily DAWN newspaper on Friday 30th August,2013.
Show Cause Notices
bullet Order No 1099/Conf:VI-Z-23(83)JM-DP Dated: 02 October 2015 For Ms. Aliya Malik, CJJM
bullet Order No 698/Conf:VI-Z-23(70)JM-DP Dated: 13 August 2015 For Mr. Muhammad Jawaid Salman, CJJM
bullet Order No 696/Conf:VI-Z-23(431)JM-DP Dated: 13 August 2015 For Mr. Muhammad Ismail Meo,CJJM
bullet Order No 660/Conf:VI-Z-23(328)DP Dated: 30 July 2015 For Mr. Ali Gul Khaskheli, CJJM
bullet Order No 662/Conf:VI-Z-23(642)PF Dated: 30 July 2015 For Mr. Abul Ala Jatoi, CJJM
bullet Order No 664/Conf:VI-Z-23(59-JM)DP Dated: 30 July 2015 For Mr. Adam H Ishaque, CJJM
bullet Order No 666/Conf:VI-Z-23(ACRs) Dated: 30 July 2015 For Mr. Badaruddin Memon, CJJM
Sindh Subordinate Judiciary Service Tribunal
bullet Before the Sindh Subordinate Judiciary Service Tribunal on 22-08-2015 at 11:00 A.M.
Sindh Bar Council
bullet Circular No. 284/SBC/2017 of Sindh Bar Council dated 10-Jul-2017 regarding struck off certain names from the roll of advocates due to non-payment of Bar Council's dues